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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Full Parish Council - Meeting Minutes

Monday 7th June 2021




Present:-  Cllr Bagge (Chair), Cllr Bassi, Cllr Carter, Cllr Cox, Cllr Crocker, Cllr Egleton, Cllr Finan, Cllr Flower, Cllr Knox-Scott, Cllr Moore & Cllr Pritchard.

In Attendance:-  Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)

Also Present:-  2 Members of public and approximately 18 via a Zoom link.

Agenda Items

017/PC/21 – Public Session Time (7.30 pm-7.45 pm)

The meeting is open to the public and press and fifteen minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment. As per instructions in summons above.


018/PC/21 – Apologies for Absence


019/PC/21 – Declarations of interest      

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012.  If that interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest as defined in the Code; the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.

Cllr Bagge, Cllr Bassi and Cllr Finan all declared an interest in item 033.

020/PC/21 – Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 May 2021 which were signed by the Chairman.

021/PC/21 – Buckinghamshire Council Report  

Cllr Egleton reported that the first meetings of the council were just being held.  Stoke Park has been sold and they are not yet aware of what will happen to it by the new owners. 

Cllr Bagge reported that Cllr Dhillon had been made Vice Chairman of Buckinghamshire Council.  Cllr Bagge was Chairman of Finance and Vice Chairman of Pensions and Cllr Egleton was Chairman of Planning.

022/PC/21 – Chairman’s Update from last meeting.

Cllr Bagge reported that his time had been taken up with dealing with items resulting from social media pages (of which he is not a member). 

He advised new councillors to be wary of residents asking them questions and requests which have already been addressed previously and to be cautious of how they deal with requests to protect their reputations., their role is as a body corporate and looking after the way the Parish Council makes this Village better for everyone. He emphasised the importance of signposting residents to people with the appropriate powers to respond to the issues raise.

The Stoke Poges News has taken up a lot of time and has had a slight delay on printing due to technical issues in reprographics at the printer.

023/PC/21 – Khalsa School

Cllr Carter reported that although planning permission was refused for extensions to the school an appeal has been upheld.

024/PC/21 – Beeches Community Board

Cllr Egleton reported that a meeting had not yet taken place.

025/PC/21 – Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Carter reported that the second grant funding application had been submitted by the Clerk and if successful this will result in £0  cost to the council for the plan. The sub-groups for the Neighbourhood Plan have been working away and a meeting is to be held next week to gather updates, more information should be available next month. 

026/PC/21 – Email Addresses

Cllr Bagge asked for this to be deferred to the next meeting, agreed.

027/PC/21 – Defibrillator

Cllr Crocker reported that the 4th defibrillator has now been installed at The Stag public house.  Cllr Crocker will be arranging a photo shoot to advertise and if any other councillors want to be involved to contact her, this will go onto social media and into the Stoke Poges magazine.

There has been a software issue with two of the other defibrillators which have gone back for repair and been temporarily replaced, and one had melted into the cabinet.

028/PC/21 – Training Courses    

NOTED all four new councillors are booked on the New Councillor Course and two the data protection course.  Request from one councillor to attend a third course ‘Managing Difficult People’ Budget is slightly overspent.  It was agreed by all to defer any further courses until after the New Councillor Courses had been attended.

029/PC/21 – Notice Board

Cllr Finan proposed to agree to place the new Bells Hill Green noticeboard on the green itself as recommended by the installer and to offer use of the existing board to The Post Office and the Chemist, this was seconded by Cllr Cox, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

030/PC/21 – Stoke Poges School

It was agreed by all not to donate at this time and to write with following agreements.

  1. Come back to the Parish Council once they have planning permission and have definite specific items to be funded and they will look at it again.
  2. Offer our grant funding expertise if required.
  3. Allocate the PTA as the charity from surplus funds donated at the Carols on the Green if it goes ahead.

031/PC/21 – Carols on the Green

Cllr Carter explained the amount of work involved in hosting this event and after 10 years of organising it offered it for someone else around the table.

Cllr Pritchard said she did not feel confident enough taking it on. Cllr Bassi offered to look at the folder of works involved and Cllr Pritchard said she would help.  Cllr Moore offered to do the finances which are by law undertaken by the Clerk as the Responsible Financial Officer, apart from the floats for the stalls. Bring back to next meeting with an update.

032/PC/21 –   Stoke Poges United Charity

Cllr Egleton declared an interest in this item as Chairman of the charity and did not take part in the vote.  Cllr Finan proposed that Mr Dier is appointed trustee by the Parish Council for another four year term. This was seconded by Cllr Crocker, RESOLVED to agree, all in favour.

033/PC/21 – Hollybush Hill – VAS & Dropped Kerb’s

The feeling around the table was that funding these dropped kerbs was wrong when they are damaged and should be automatically repaired by highways as ongoing maintenance, they were also in the wrong place and not where requested.  A permanently installed VAS would not be effective and we already have our own mobile ones used on that area.  Preferred method would be to explore roundels on the road.

034/PC/21 – RECEIVED and ADOPTED minutes from previous meetings of sub committees and working parties:

  1. Planning Committee Minutes 15 February 2021 – Agreed/Signed 15 March 2021.

035/PC/21 – Finance

  1. RECEIVED Financial Summary & Statement Cashbook – May 2021
  2. RESOLVED to approve list of cheques/Bacs for signature May 2021 – £15372.94
  3. RECEIVED Bank reconciliations – May 2021.
  4. RECEIVED Income & Expenditure Heading Detail/Budget Monitoring May 2021

036/PC/21 – NOTED Circulars List/Correspondence and Items received by clerk but not on agenda.

List appended to the agenda of all circulars received in the office and available to view for one month after this meeting.

Correspondence: –

  1. Letter from Willow Park Residents

037/PC/21 – NOTED Dates of Future Meetings

  • Planning Meeting – 21 June 2021
  • Full Parish Council Meeting – 5 July 2021 followed by Recreation & Environment Committee Meeting.

Meeting ended at 9.10pm