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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Full Parish Council - Meeting Minutes

Monday 9th May 2022



Present:-Cllr Bagge (Chair), Cllr Carter, Cllr Cox, Cllr Crocker, Cllr Egleton, Cllr Finan, Cllr Flower, Cllr Knox-Scott, Cllr Moore & Cllr Pritchard.

In Attendance:- Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)

Also Present: One member of public

Agenda Items

001/PC/22- To Elect a Chairman for the coming year.

Cllr Crocker proposed Cllr Bagge as Chairman, this was seconded by Cllr Knox-Scott, RESOLVED to agree uncontested. Cllr Bagge RECEIVED and signed the declaration of acceptance of office which was countersigned by the Clerk.

002/PC/22 –   To Elect a Vice Chairman for the coming year.

Cllr Crocker proposed Cllr Carter as Vice Chairman, this was seconded by Cllr Egleton, RESOLVED to agree uncontested. Cllr Carter RECEIVED and signed the declaration of acceptance of office which was countersigned by the Clerk.

003/PC/22 – Public Session Time (7.30 pm-7.45 pm)

The meeting is open to the public and press and fifteen minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment on items on the agenda.


004/PC/22 – Apologies for Absence

APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Bassi.

005/PC/22 – Declarations of interest      

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct adopted 2021.  If that interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest as defined in the Code; the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


006/PC/22 – Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on 11 April 2022 which were signed by the Chairman. 

007/PC/22 – Review of Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Financial Risk Assessment for 22/23 and all adopted Policies.

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to no changes to any of the above.

008/PC/22 –   To Appoint Committees (Current list circulated).

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to keep all committees as they are currently.

  • Recreation & Environment Committee (6 members plus Chairman ex officio)
    • Cllr Bassi, Cllr Carter, Cllr Cox, Cllr Crocker, Cllr Egleton, (Cllr Bagge (ex officio)
  • Planning Committee (6 members plus Chairman ex officio) To resolve to agree to co-opt current two residents of Stoke Poges who sit on this committee.
    • Cllr Bassi, Cllr Carter, Cllr Crocker, Cllr Finan, Mr Harris, Cllr Knox-Scott, Mr Rawlings (Cllr Bagge (ex officio)
  • Finance & General Purposes Committee (6 members plus Chairman ex officio)
    • Cllr Carter, Cllr Crocker, Cllr Finan, Cllr Knox-Scott, Cllr Moore, (Cllr Bagge (ex officio).  

009/PC/22 – Fix times of meetings (every month except August at 7.30pm.)

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to fix time of meetings as below.

  • Full Council – second Monday except July and December (first Monday) and if a bank holiday falls on second Monday, then it will be previous week.
  • Planning Committee – Every third Monday at 7.30pm (including August)
  • Recreation and Environment committee – fourth Monday three a year June, October (Finance), February.
  • Finance Committee – fourth Monday twice a year May and November.

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to ensure that future advertising of Annual Meeting of Electorate is in the Stoke Poges Newsletter and agreed to advertise this meeting only on the Stoke Poges Facebook page as well as the boards and the website.

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to hold the meeting prior to a Parish Council meeting on a Monday night and agreed to do it in April.  Annual meeting will start at 7pm followed by the normal Full Parish Council meeting each year.

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to changes to other bodies:- Circulated.

010/PC/22 – Beeches Community Board

Cllr Egleton updated the committee on the current working groups for the board.

011/PC/22 – Buckinghamshire Council Report  

Cllr Bagge reported that he Chairs the Pinewood Community Liaison Group and that Pinewood are re considering their current planning permission and new things are on the table, mainly stages and workshops rather than the theme park type suggestion. The five-points roundabout and Sevenhills Road works will still go ahead.  A new website is being set up to publish everything.

012/PC/22 – Chairman’s Update from last meeting.

Cllr Bagge reported that the Annual Meeting had taken place and it was a very supportive meeting.

013/PC/22 – Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Carter reported that two more policies had been produced, Housing Mix and Dark Skies.  The consultant has requested another online meeting to discuss further.  Historical buildings are still being worked on.

014/PC/22 – Benches

Several requests to Cllr Bagge for benches around the village, to discuss and decide and if agreed where the funding will come from (i.e., Community Board).  RESOLVED to agree that there was nowhere for any further benches to be sited on Hollybush Hill or School Lane.

015/PC/22 – Pond   

NOTED letter and report sent to residents as requested.  Waiting for all responses before taking any further. Bring back to June meeting.

NOTED a letter from one resident received after the last meeting and prior to the clerk’s letter being sent out.

RESOLVED to agree all in favour that the Clerk will liaise with one resident at all times copying in the others (at their request) and the responses will come back from that one resident on behalf of all other owners, this has been agreed with all pond owners. AGREED for the Clerk to respond to the questions asked and suggest a sit-down formal meeting with all parties involved to discuss further.  Any financial decisions to be taken back to Full Council to agree.

016/PC/22 – School Traffic/Traffic Watch Update

Update from Cllr Bagge and parking enforcement – Nothing to report.

Cllr Carter reported on School/Traffic Watch marshalling. Some parents have curbed their behaviour, some only offend if there are no marshals around, some offend regardless of marshals on site or not and have actually said they do not care if they get a ticket or are a danger to the children.  Marshals have been sworn at and now is the time for action from the police, i.e., tickets or a ban from entering the area.  Councillors agreed that a meeting should be requested with the Sgt and the Inspector.

All Councillors agreed that they were grateful to the marshals.

017/PC/22 – Frank Solari Field

NOTED that after deciding on which quote to accept last month the contractor chosen has said that he will not be concreting the posts into the ground, in their opinion this will make them rot in the ground quicker.  They will be placing each post two feet down directly into the ground.  RESOLVED to agree all in favour to continue with this quote using this method.

018/PC/22 – Platinum Jubilee Event 

Update from working party and Cllr Carter as Chair of R & E on progression so far. Petting Zoo, Face painting, Stage/Sound, Disco, Barbeque, Teas and Coffees all organized.  Another meeting being held tomorrow 10 May.  Cllr Bagge agreed to do a backing track for singers to sing along to.

Cllr Crocker proposed not to have a contactless payments device, which was not supported.

Cllr Carter proposed to order the Zettle device with the sim card for £149.00 and this can also be used at the Carols event to be taken out of the jubilee budget, this was seconded by Cllr Flower, RESOLVED to agree, 1 opposed.

019/PC/22 – Wexham Park Golf Centre

Email asking to meet with the Parish Council, RESOLVED to agree all in favour to meet and inform Wexham Parish Council.

020/PC/22 – Stoke Poges Fete Committee

RESOLVED to agree all in favour for the request to use the recreation ground for parking on Saturday 2 July 2022, providing that the recreation ground gate is marshalled at all times.

021/PC/22 – Pinewood Studios – Community Consultation

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to the request to take part in the consultation.

022/PC/22 – Stoke Park

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to the request to meet with Parish Council week commencing 16 May 2022.

023/PC/22 – Citizens Advice Bucks

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to the request to meet and talk through services and how this can help the community.

024/PC/22 – The Friday Club Collaboration

Cllr Carter informed councillors of its existence and a continuation of the store cupboard and its purpose and asked if anyone else would like to be involved. Cllr Finan proposed that the Parish Council support the group and be affiliated to it, this was seconded by Cllr Egleton, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

025/PC/22 – Store Cupboard Funds

Cllr Knox-Scott proposed that the Store Cupboard Funds be used to support the Friday Club and to buy supermarket vouchers with it for them to use as they see fit in the community, this was seconded by Cllr Finan, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

026/PC/22 – CIL

Update given from Cllr Carter on recent CIL training attend by her and Cllr Crocker.  Cllr Finan proposed that we register with the CIL officers at County to enable the Parish Council to receive 10% of CIL funds from applications in our village, this was seconded by Cllr Crocker. RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

Time 9.30pm, in line with Standing Orders and the two-hour meeting time limit Cllr Bagge asked the council to resolve to end the meeting or continue, Cllr Finan proposed that the meeting is continued to finish the agenda and this was agreed by all.

027/PC/22 – The Warren, Rowley Lane

RESOLVED to agree all in favour to request to meet with councillors from a planning company about development. 

028/PC/22 – RECEIVED and ADOPTED minutes from previous meetings of sub committees and working parties:   

  1. Planning Committee Minutes 21 March 2022 – Agreed/Signed 25 April 2022

030/PC/22 – Finance

  1. NOTED Financial Summary & Statement Cashbook – April 2022 – Not available until after audit which is taking place from 10 May 2022
  2. RESOLVED to approve list of cheques/Bacs for signature April 2022 – £6768.05
  3. NOTED Bank reconciliations – April 2022. Not available until after audit which is taking place from 10 May 2022.
  4. NOTED Income & Expenditure Heading Detail/Budget Monitoring – April 2022. Not available until after audit which is taking place from 10 May 2022.

031/PC/22 – Circulars List/Correspondence and Items received by clerk but not on agenda.

List appended to the agenda of all circulars received in the office and available to view for one month after this meeting.

Correspondence: –

  1. NOTED Letter from School PTA – Food Festival details 21 May 2022 – Circulated
  2. NOTED Letter from resident regarding Rose Farm , Hollybush Hill and commercial recycling activity.
  3. NOTED Letter from resident to Khalsa School regarding parking, SPPC copied in.–

032/PC/22 – NOTED Dates of Future Meetings

  • Planning Meeting – 16 May 2022
  • Finance Meeting – 23 May 2022
  • Full Parish Council Meeting – 13 June 2022

Meeting ended at 9.38pm.