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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Full Parish Council - Meeting Minutes

Monday 12th April 2021




Meeting ID: –991 9573 5993 Password: – 151424

Present: – Cllr Bagge (Chair), Cllr Carter, Cllr Cox, Cllr Crocker, Cllr Egleton, Cllr Finan, Cllr Knox-Scott & Cllr Lynch.

In Attendance: – Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)

Also Present: – 7 Members of public

Agenda Items

211/PC/21 – Public Session Time (7.30 pm-7.45 pm)

The meeting is open to the public and press and fifteen minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment.

One member of public informed the Council about Honeybee and campaign to help bees.

212/PC/21 – Apologies for Absence


213/PC/21 – Declarations of interest      

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012.  If that interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest as defined in the Code; the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


214/PC/21 – Minutes

RESOLVED To approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on 8 March 2021 which will be signed by the Chairman. 

215/PC/21 – Buckinghamshire Council Report  

Cllr Egleton reported that Buckinghamshire Council are in phase Step 2 coming out of lockdown and are supporting High Streets and shops.

From 12 April 21 to 11 May 21 all Buckinghamshire owned car park will be free of charge.

Planning issues include Focus School which has gone to appeal, the Wexham/Rowley Lane application has been withdrawn.

The Neighbourhood Plan needs to be kept on track and kept on top of to protect the environment and the Green Belt and life in Stoke Poges.

Cllr Bagge reported that Ofsted made an unannounced inspection of Children’s Services this week and the findings were positive.

216/PC/21 – Chairman's Update from last meeting.

Cllr Bagge reported that he was very disappointed by the Daily Mail article which did not present the facts and was biased towards one side, he reiterated that Parish Councils have no powers or funds to provide education, and this has been agreed by the auditors.  The article caused a social media heated debate which again was biased.  This Parish Council have spent £700k in the last 10 years on a pavilion, MUGA, new children’s equipment (ongoing), jogging trail and much more to make Stoke Poges a better place to live, and to be called the meanest Parish Council in the Country is disappointing and demoralising for all.

This is the final meeting before the 6 May 2021 elections and Cllr Bagge thanked everyone for the fantastic commitment, work and service to the village.  He thanked Cllr Sue Lynch who is not re-standing for her, calming and focused approach.  Cllr Lynch replied that it had been a pleasure and honour and was very proud of the achievements that this council had made.

Cllr Bagge said that there were 17 candidates for 11 seats and wished everyone the best of luck.

217/PC/21 – Khalsa School

Cllr Carter reported that the judicial review was proceeding but had been delayed because of an injunction on the Department for Education.  The School Lane site application had gone to appeal.

218/PC/21 – Beeches Community Board

Cllr Egleton reported that the Beeches was working well, money had been spent on social isolation to link children with the elderly.  He talked about the men in sheds project, and that the infrastructure and highways group is working well.

219/PC/21 – Neighbourhood Plan

The working party continue to work on the Neighbourhood Plan with the consultancy firm.   Cllr Carter has put together a communication strategy and action plan which has been sent to all members.  It is very important that the village is taken on the journey with the group by updating the website and social media and in the SPN, so that they are aware of what they are voting for when it comes to a referendum.  The scoping document is being looked at, and it was agreed to publicise it as soon as possible.

220/PC/21 – Email Addresses

NOTED that the email migration to Clook has now taken place, Cllr Bagge thanked Cllr Cox and the Clerk for enabling this, he will set up Cllr email addresses after the election.

221/PC/21 – Defibrillator

Cllr Crocker has managed to speak to the managers of the Stag public house, and they would be happy for the defibrillator to go on their wall outside the pub but need to speak to their Area Manager for confirmation. It was agreed to go ahead and order the device.

222/PC/21 – Bank Accounts         

NOTED that another account has been opened with the Cambridge Building Society and funds have been transferred across.

223/PC/21 – Pond

NOTED that the tree works will take place from Monday May 10thand the fencing will be installed once completed.

224/PC/21 – Standing Orders      

Cllr Egleton proposed that the council Ratify and Agree updates to our Standing Orders to the latest NALC Model Standing Orders for England 2018 (amended 2020) and circulated and discussed at the March 21 meeting, and adopt them, this was seconded by Cllr Finan, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

225/PC/21 – Virtual Meetings

NOTED that the Annual Parish Meeting due to take place on 22 April 2021 has been postponed due to current legislation, to be re-arranged once legislation from Central Government is made clear.

NOTED that the May 17 meeting is due to take place face to face unless legislation changes, this will be in the Club Room at the Centre where a maximum of 15 people will be allowed in at any one time.  The agenda will be kept to official Parish Meeting business only.  Lateral flow tests are available from chemists if anyone wanted to take one prior to the meeting. 

226/PC/21 – Wildflower Meadow

AGREED by all that the request from residents to sow a wildflower meadow to attract bees and insects and add colour to the area throughout spring and summer, should go ahead if possible, however a meeting on site needs to be held with the Clerk and Maintenance to ensure that the vision splays are kept well clear.

227/PC/21 – Operation London Bridge and Forth Bridge

NOTED Letter from Deputy Lieutenant for Buckinghamshire.  NOTED that the flag was lowered to half-mast due to the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh and that the link was circulated for the online book of condolence.

228/PC/21 – Self Defense Classes

AGREED all in favour that this offer to run FOC classes at the Pavilion could go ahead.  Agreed that the costs that cover the insurance are made clear to the participants.

229/PC/21 – Pedestrian Footpath along Fir Tree Avenue

AGREED all in favour that a request from a resident of Fir Tree Avenue to look into a new footway be put forward to the Beeches Community Board to do a feasibility study and get costings.

230/PC/21 – RECEIVED and ADOPTED minutes from previous meetings of sub committees and working parties:

  1. Planning Committee Minutes 15 February 2021 – Agreed/Signed 15 March 2021.

231/PC/21 – Finance

  1. RECEIVED & NOTED Financial Summary & Statement Cashbook – March 2021.
  2. RESOLVED to approve list of cheques/Bacs for signature March 2021 circulated. 
  3. RECEIVED & NOTED Bank reconciliations – March 2021
  4. RECEIVED & NOTED Income & Expenditure Heading Detail/Budget Monitoring – March 2021

232/PC/21 – Circulars List/Correspondence and Items received by clerk but not on agenda.

List appended to the agenda of all circulars received in the office and available to view for one month after this meeting.

Correspondence: –

233/PC/21 – NOTED Dates of Future Meetings

  • Planning Meeting – 19 April 2021
  • Full Parish Council Meeting/Possible Annual Parish Meeting – 17 May 2021

Meeting ended at 8.50pm