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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Full Parish Council - Meeting Minutes

Monday 13th June 2022



Present:- Cllr Bagge (Chair), Cllr Bassi, Cllr Carter, Cllr Finan, Cllr Flower, Cllr Knox-Scott, Cllr Moore & Cllr Pritchard.

In Attendance:- Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)

Also Present:- One Member of Public

Agenda Items

033/PC/22 – Public Session Time (7.30 pm-7.45 pm)

The meeting is open to the public and press and fifteen minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment on items on the agenda.


034/PC/22 – Apologies for Absence

APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Cox, Cllr Crocker and Cllr Egleton.

035/PC/22 – Declarations of interest      

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct adopted 2021.  If that interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest as defined in the Code; the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


036/PC/22 – Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on 9 May 2022 which were signed by the Chairman.

037/PC/22 – Beeches Community Board

Cllr Egleton not present, defer to next meeting.

038/PC/22 – Buckinghamshire Council Report  

Cllr Bagge reported that there was an ongoing issue with refuse collections throughout South Bucks, due to the contractor consolidating rounds and changing days.  The contractor will be penalised if they fail to fulfill the requirements.  Bucks have committed to get this resolved by the 15 June 2022 latest.

Cllr Dev Dhillon has been elected the new Chairman of the Council.

039/PC/22 – Chairman’s Update from last meeting.

Cllr Bagge referred to the recent Stoke Park briefing and the consultations that are being held for all to attend.

040/PC/22 – Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Carter updated that the Neighbourhood Plan was coming along, and two more policies had been submitted to the consultants.

Cllr Carter proposed to agree to the 19 extra days which are required by the consultants to complete the plan and an £8000 grant can be obtained but an additional amount up to £5000 will be required, this was seconded by Cllr Bassi to be taken from the budget line for Neighbourhood Plan, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

041/PC/22 – Pond   

NOTED letter received from main contact resident asking for more questions to be answered before arranging a face-to-face meeting around the table. Clerk to answer questions and bring back. To attempt to get further quotes however there are no specialist companies like the one we have already contacted, ask the residents to suggest who?  Cllr Bassi to give Clerk details of companies to use.

042/PC/22 – School Traffic/Traffic Watch Update

Update given from Cllr Carter on School/Traffic Watch/Enforcement and marshalling.  Parents are behaving better but only when there is a presence of marshals, when they are not there they do not adhere.  One has been charged with a fixed penalty fine and is to attend a victim awareness course, but still continues to flout the law.

Cllr Carter updated on a recent meeting regarding traffic scheme on Rogers Lane/West End Lane/Duffield Lane. Maps had been circulated of where issues can be further addressed, Enforcement become part of the consultation process.  Waiting for Highways to come back with costings and this can be added onto the study for the barrier.

043/PC/22 – Platinum Jubilee Event

Both the beacon lighting and the Jubilee event were very well attended and received. 

Cllr Carter briefed everyone on the day and Cllr Knox-Scott tabled a document giving hers and Cllr Pritchard’s thoughts on the event.

044/PC/22 – Gazebos

NOTED that 3 Gazebos were broken so we have 4 3×6 and 1 3×3.  Cllr Carter proposed that we order two new 3 x 6 gazebos to go with one already purchased and the cost be taken from the Jubilee budget, which is well underspent, this was seconded by Cllr Finan, RESOLVED to agree 7 for and 1 against. It was agreed that these are an asset for the community and should be better looked after.

045/PC/22 – Carols on the Green

NOTED to start paperwork and booking stall holders etc.

NOTED details on Mobile Santa Grotto, agreed to decide at the next R & E meeting.

046/PC/22 – Friday Club

First Friday Club held on Friday 10 June was very well attended and already oversubscribed, the whole event was very successful. The club have agreed to do two more and then re-assess.

047/PC/22 – Horticultural Society

NOTED & AGREED Request to use the recreation ground for parking on Saturday 23 July 2022, provided that the gate is manned at all times.

048/PC/22 – The Warren, Rowley Lane

Wexham Parish Council have not agreed to meet developers.  AGREED that the developer can attend a Planning Meeting in the public session rather than have a formal meeting, until a Planning Application is submitted.

049/PC/22 – Councillor Course

NOTED that Cllr Knox-Scott has attended a Councillor Course with BMKALC as she was not asked to attend the course last year and missed it.

050/PC/22 – Pioneer Secondary Academy

AGREED all in favour to meet with the Sikh Academies Trust on working day at the Village Centre.

051/PC/22 – RECEIVED and ADOPTED minutes from previous meetings of sub committees and working parties:   

  1. Planning Committee Minutes 25 April 2022 – Agreed/Signed 16 May 2022
  2. Finance Committee Minutes 22 November 2021 – Agreed/Signed 23 May 2022.

052/PC/22 – Finance

  1. RECEIVED Financial Summary & Statement Cashbook – April & May 2022
  2. RESOLVED to approve list of cheques/Bacs for signature May 2022 – Total £13768.63
  3. RECEIVED Bank reconciliations – April & May 2022
  4. RECEIVED Income & Expenditure Heading Detail/Budget Monitoring – May 2022.

053/PC/22 – Accounts for Year Ended 31st March 2022

To Note that the accounts have been audited with no issues.

  1. RESOLVED to agree all in favour to RECEIVE, APPROVE AND SIGN the summary income and expenditure account, balance sheet, supporting statement and assets, auditor’s matters arising, which were signed by the Chairman of the Council and the RFO.
  2. RESOLVED to agree all in favour to RECEIVE, APPROVE Annual Return which was signed by the Chairman the Council and the RFO and RECEIVED AND APPROVED bank reconciliation and statement of significant variations.
  3. NOTED that the internal auditor has suggested that the Council consider moving all of the individual accounts into the CCLA fund, to discuss further.

054/PC/22 – Circulars List/Correspondence and Items received by clerk but not on agenda.

List appended to the agenda of all circulars received in the office and available to view for one month after this meeting.


055/PC/22 – NOTED Dates of Future Meetings

  • Planning Meeting – 20 June 2022
  • Recreation & Environment Meeting – 6 July 2022 New Date
  • Full Parish Council Meeting – 4 July 2022

Meeting ended at 8.38pm