Full Parish Council - Meeting Minutes
Monday 14th February 2022
Present:- Cllr Bagge (Chair), Cllr Bassi, Cllr Carter, Cllr Cox, Cllr Egleton, Cllr Finan, Cllr Knox-Scott, Cllr Moore and Cllr Pritchard
In Attendance:- Cllr Knox Scott deputising to take minutes
Agenda Items
183/PC/22 – Public Session Time (7.30 pm-7.45 pm)
The meeting is open to the public and press and fifteen minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment.
No members of the public in attendance.
184/PC/22 – Apologies for Absence
APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Flower and the Parish Clerk, Mrs J Simmonds.
185/PC/22 – Declarations of interest
Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012. If that interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest as defined in the Code; the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.
186/PC/22 – Minutes
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on 10 January 2022 which were signed by the Chairman.
187/PC/22 – Beeches Community Board
Update from Cllr Egleton /Cllr Pritchard. 2022 Budget has been reduced to enable savings. Lot of projects in the pipeline. Cllr Egleton will produce a quarterly report of Stoke Poges projects and present to the Parish Council.
Cllr Bagge reporting on Infrastructure action Group Most highway projects requested still awaiting PIDs. Footpath barrier from Recreational Ground to Aldridge Place included. Static 30mph sign is going through. The Action Group will meet on 30 March and will prioritise the funding of jobs for the next year.
Cllr Egleton also chairs the Well Being Committee.
188/PC/22 – Buckinghamshire Council Report
Cllr Egleton reported that one year remained on current contract for Transport For Bucks. A short list of contractors has been developed and going out to tender. Duration of new contract to be agreed. In future the Council will decide how to prioritise contracts, not the contractor.
Cllr Egleton gave an update on the proposed data centre at Wexham Springs. Public meeting to be held on Thursday 17 February at Wexham Springs. Ofsted Review of children’s services – the previous outcome of Inadequate now improved to Adequate.
Cllr Bagge gave thanks to the Clerk who works tirelessly behind the scenes to follow up and bring matters to conclusion with the various parties involved. He reported that the potholes in Stoke Road have been patched. The collapsed gulleys between entrance to site and Stoke Place – quotes being obtained from the contractor to replace the gulleys under the pavement, not in the roadway. Pavements in Wexham Street – prior to Christmas Government funding was allocated and Wexham Street footpaths were identified as the top priority locally.
189/PC/22 – Chairman's Update from last meeting.
Stoke Poges News is on the way and with proof-reader. Two major advertisers were no more, and this would have impact. Cllr Bassi to canvass companies for advertising. Cllr Bagge to circulate advertising rates.
Cllr Bagge to ask printers to advise Cllr Cox when they will deliver SPN to him.
190/PC/22 – Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Carter gave an update on Neighbourhood Plan and meetings held with working party. Next meeting of working groups will be Thursday 17 February 2022 to discuss the debrief document received from the consultants. Although group had been concerned at lack of momentum consultants were pleased and impressed with progress achieved to-date. Work in progress on demographics and six sites identified for potential development. Parish Council will have final decision on type of development on council owned land. Cllr Carter will discuss with Clerk regarding formalising policies and if this should be a Part II or Part I submission. Remainder of grant will be absorbed in next tranche of work. To be brought forward to next agenda.
191/PC/22 – Email Addresses
No update available. To be brought forward to next meeting.
192/PC/22 – Land Registry
Proposal to instruct a solicitor to prepare registration of Parish Council owned land with HM Land Registry at a budget of £750 per site.
Proposer: Cllr Crocker
Seconded: Cllr Egleton
Carried unanimously
193/PC/22 – Reception 2022
As Clerk will be on holiday at time of Reception and week prior all RSVPs will go to Cllr Crocker.
Proposal to hold the reception on 25 March 2022
Proposer: Cllr Carter
Seconded: Cllr Pritchard
194/PC/22 – Cups 2022
Group cup to be awarded to Good Neighbour Scheme
Proposer: Cllr Moore
Seconded: Cllr Pritchard
Individual Cup to be awarded to Tracey Clarke and Pippa Anderson for their work over the years encouraging school children at SP school to grow flowers and vegetables
Proposer: Cllr Knox-Scott
Seconded: Cllr Bassi
195/PC/22 – Carols on the Green Debrief/School
A note from the school had been circulated and was noted.
196/PC/22 – Pond
The report from pond specialist has been received but was not available to view at the meeting. To be brought forward to next meeting.
197/PC/22 – School Traffic/Traffic Watch Update
Bodycams have arrived. Awaiting local Police Sergeant to arrange briefing sessions. Letter about marshalling due to be sent to parents from school. Cllr Carter has met with the Head Teacher of the school.
Enforcement Officer had not been successful in the past. Cllr Bagge to have a conversation about having an officer.
Double lining and zigzags have faded and need to be more permanent. Cllr Bagge to progress.
School Jubilee celebrations 26 May 2022. Until school confirm what equipment they may need to borrow no decision can be made.
198/PC/22 – Section 106 and CIL training 15 March 2022
AGREED. Training for Chair, Vice Chair of Planning and Clerk
Proposer: Cllr Finan
Seconded: Cllr Crocker
Carried: Unanimously
199/PC/22 – Platinum Jubilee Event
Working party consisting of Cllrs Carter, Bagge, Pritchard, Finan, Bassi, Crocker and Knox-Scott will meet. Initiative must be Parish Council led but members of the community can also join the working party. Recommendations will go to R&E with regards to type of event, date and timing.
200/PC/22 – Stoke Poges, Wexham and Fulmer Horticultural Society Request
It was agreed that the tree be planted on land owned by SPPC. Cllr Carter to liaise with the Clerk to decide on location.
201/PC/22 – Meeting Dates 22/23
RECEIVED & NOTED meeting dates from May 2022 to April 2023.
202/PC/22 – RECEIVED and ADOPTED minutes from previous meetings of sub committees and working parties:
1. Planning Committee Minutes 13 December 2021 – Agreed/Signed 17 January 2022
203/PC/22 – Finance
- RECEIVED & NOTED Financial Summary & Statement Cashbook – January 2022.
- RESOLVED To approve list of cheques/Bacs for signature January 2022
- RECEIVED & NOTED Bank reconciliations – January 2022
- RECEIVED & NOTED Income & Expenditure Heading Detail/Budget Monitoring – January 2022.
204/PC/22 – Circulars List/Correspondence and Items received by clerk but not on agenda.
List appended to the agenda of all circulars received in the office and available to view for one month after this meeting.
Correspondence: –
205/PC/22 – NOTED Dates of Future Meetings
- Planning Meeting – 21 February 2022
- Recreation & Environment Meeting – 28 February 2022
- Full Parish Council Meeting – 14 March 2022
Meeting ended at 9.07pm