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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Planning Committee - Meeting Minutes

Monday 19th June 2023

Table Of Contents



Present:- Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bassi, Cllr Crocker, Cllr Finan, Mr Harris, Cllr Knox-Scott & Mr Rawlings

In Attendance:- Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)

Also Present:- Four members of public.

Agenda Items

016/PL/23 Items by Members of Public Present

The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment. 

Four members of public attended to speak about their objections to application PL/23/1510/FA and to listen to the Parish Councils comments.

017/PL/23 Apologies for Absence


018/PL/23 Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2007.  If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item. 


019/PL/23 Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 22 May 2023 which were signed by the Chairman.

020/PL/23 Planning Applications

(i) RESOLVED to approve delegated decisions submitted for Planning Applications for which the response date was prior to this Committee Meeting.   See Appendix 1.

(ii) RESOLVED to consider and formulate a response to new Planning Applications received. See Appendix 2. Plus, amended plans for information only.

021/PL/23 NOTED Planning Decisions, Enforcements and Appeals.

District Decisions made since the last Planning Committee Meeting.  See Appendix 3.

022/PL/23 Councillors/Members Update


023/PL/23 Correspondence.


024/PL/23 Meeting Equipment

RESOLVED to using a monitor and google earth and one conversation at a time. Remove from agenda.

025/PL/23 Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Carter updated the committee.  A Zoom meeting has been set up with the consultants and the working party to discuss a pre-draft consultation document.  Hoping to go to referendum early next year.

026/PL/23 Exclusion of the Press & Public

Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the following business because publicity would prejudice the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business.  Part two items: To discuss any possible unlawful buildings or businesses which have not been granted enforcement notices and therefore are not public.

027/PL/23 NOTED Outstanding Enforcements See Appendix 4. 

028/PL/23 NOTED Next meeting date:  17 July 2023





PL/23/1510/FA MH House, Lakeside Drive, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4LX

Demolition of existing property to be replaced with two new dwellings, with provisions of bin/cycle storage and parking.

Parish Comments:- Object.  Policies EP3, H9 and CP (8) of the Core Strategy, NPPF (174) apply.

The replacement dwellings as proposed are shown to be large and bulky buildings, aggressively symmetrical and monolithic in appearance. The neo-Georgian detailing would appear out of place in this semi rural area, changing the street scene. 

Compared to the relatively narrow-span ridged roofs of the existing house, the proposed house is excessive in depth, and relies on a large flat crown roof.  Although the plot is large and allows reasonable gaps to both side boundaries, the proposed houses would appear overlarge and bulky and out of keeping and at odds with its surroundings and with the character of the area, designated a 'Woodland Road’.

In terms of design and scale, the proposed replacement dwellings are not considered to accord with the principles set out in policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan, adopted 1999, and the standard of design would not comply with advice in the National Design Guide. The development would therefore fail to accord with guidance set out in the NPPF (2019).

The Ecology report refers to the building only and to bats but not to the surrounding area which has a a steam and lake running through the fronts of the houses opposite which attracts all types of wildlife. 

The proposed development is less than 20 metres from adjacent and surrounding plots which are surrounded by hedges. 

Multiple windows appear intrusive and will overlook the neighbouring properties. 

We believe that the sub division of these large plots will change the whole look of the road and act as a precursor and if the council are minded to approve this will act as a precursor for similar applications. 

PL/23/1685/KA The Old Cottage, Hollybush Hill, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4QN

Cherry - fell. (Framewood Road Conservation Area).

Parish Comments:- Object, Insufficient information, no photos or a valid reason to remove this tree.  The Parish Council will not support the removal of a healthy tree.

It is considered that this tree does not pose a significant risk of harm and the application to fell it has not been properly justified.  The tree has amenity and ecological value and its retention is justified.  To feel the tree would therefore be contrary to policy L10 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999).

PL/23/1763/TP Sandiway, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4PA

T3 ash tree - fell; T4 hawthorn - fell. (SBDC TPO No. 6, 1971).

Parish Comments:- No comments subject to the Tree Officers report.

PL/23/1523/VRC 99 Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4LP

Variation of Condition 18 (Approved Plans) of application PL/22/3260/VRC relating to variations of the original planning permission PL/22/0466/FA (Demolition of bungalow and garage and erection of detached dwelling with new access and drive position with surface parking and boundary fences) to allow for front dormer windows and a rooflight.

Parish Comments:- Object, Policy C1 (a) & (b) and Appendix 8 (6.1) Core Policy 9 of the Core Strategy and Section 15 of the NPPF

The proposed development would result in the introduction of a dwelling within very close proximity to the common boundary shared with neighbours. When considering the proximity to the boundary, the modest scale of the amenity space and the two storey height of the proposed dwelling, it is considered that the proposal would result in an adverse impact upon the residential amenities of neighbours and in particular would appear overbearing. As such, the proposed development would result in a detrimental impact on the amenities of the neighbouring property and is contrary to policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan - Adopted March 1999 Consolidated September 2007 and February 2011, CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy 

The scheme has largely been approved under consent PL/22/0466/FA without the front dormer windows or front rooflight. During the application the heritage officer, prior to a site visit and based on google street view images of the local area, drew the conclusion that dormers were not in keeping and requested their removal due to the impact upon the visual dominance of Uplands. It was stated that if further discussion was required on this then a further consultation would be needed to allow for the officer to visit site and give a more detailed response. We do not believe that anything has changed to allow the dormers

PL/23/1537/FA 16 Home Farm Way, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 6NZ

Single storey front and rear and first floor side extensions, an additional door to side elevation, removal of existing cladding and replace with vertical hanging tiles to match existing property, changes to windows and doors.

Parish Comments:- No Comment

PL/23/1527/RM Vodafone Telecommunications Base Station, Templewood Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire

Installation of a new sharable 30m lattice mast co-located with an existing mast approximately 35m to the east of the site, installation of 6no. cabinets, 6no. antennas on 1no. headframe, 2no. 600mm diameter transmission link dishes and ancillary development thereto.

Parish Comments:- Object, Polices EP18 (a), (b) & (c), GB1 (i), (ii) & (IV) apply as well as section 15 of the NPPF 170 (a) & (b).

Prior approval for the siting and appearance of the proposed installation is required, and objections are raised to the proposed siting and appearance of the installation in relation to the prior notification under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, as amended.  The proposed telecommunication mast would be sited in a prominent location where it would be visible within the open countryside in a sensitive Green Belt location.  Given its height and bulky form the proposed lattice tower (and associated equipment) are of an urban and particularly insensitive design and would be highly visible when viewed from the surrounding area, thus appearing visually intrusive to the detriment of the sensitive open countryside location.  It would also significantly intrude on the skyline in the surrounding area.  Also, greater consideration/justification in relation to the suitability of other nearby sites could have been provided the proposal is contrary to policies GB1, EP3 and EP18 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) and section 15 of the NPPF.  As such the proposal would adversely affect the character and appearance of the area and the application for prior approval under the Town and Country (General Permitted development) Order 2015, as amended.






PL/23/0742/FA 24 Penn Meadow, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4EB 

Erection of a rear conservatory and porch to side elevation

Parish Comments:- No Comment.

Hereby permits

PL/23/0918/FA 16 Wakefield Crescent, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4DF

Erection of a front extension, single storey side extension and part single part two storey rear extension with additions of roof lights and internal alterations.

Parish Comments:- No Comment.

Hereby Permits

Pl/23/0507/EU Moonraker, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4PJ

Lawful development certificate for an existing use or operation or activity including those in breach of a planning condition:- Certificate of lawfulness for existing outbuildings for the care and rehabilitation of small animals including reptiles, marsupials, flightless birds and small mammals

The Council has received an application for the development described above. This is not a planning application, but an application that seeks to demonstrate that the use or the building works, as described above, are "lawful". The applicant must show that the ‘use’ that is the subject of the application has been continuous for more than 10 years or that the ‘building works’ the subject of the application have been substantially complete for more than 4 years, prior to the date of the application. If you have any personal knowledge of how long the use has been carried on and whether the character of the use has changed at all, or, in the case of building works, when those works were completed, the Council would like to hear from you. As this is not a planning application, I must emphasise that the Council is not considering the planning merits of the case. The Council therefore cannot take into account in determining this type of application, whether the use or the building work the subject of the application is, or is not, acceptable, it is purely a legal judgement based on the evidence.

Parish Comments:- Object, this house was built int 2012 and until it was sold in 2022 is was used solely as a residential home with no additional outbuildings, internal fencing or lighting, and certainly no storage or housing of animals.  Animals have only been there since May 2022. 


PL/23/0664/FA Stoke Park Ltd, Stoke Park House, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks

Installation of security gate and associated works (Retrospective)

Parish Comments:- Object.  This proposal, if permitted would be likely to act as a precursor of further applications for similar types of development within this part of the Greenbelt, which the Planning Authority would find increasingly difficult to resist and which, cumulatively, would seriously prejudice the openness of the Greenbelt and the aims and objectives of Greenbelt policy.

By way of design, in the context of the sites surroundings, the proposed gates would adversely affect the character and amenities of the street scene and the locality in general, and would fail to respond positively to the features of the site itself and the surrounding context.  The proposal would therefore fail to comply with policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) as well as CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy Development Plan Document and would be contrary to the above provisions of the Local Plan, NPPF and National Design Guide.

The proposed gates, if permitted, would result in a visually intrusive road-side feature that would appear prominent in the street scene, the predominant existing roadside features of which are mostly soft vegetative boundaries rather than formal engineered structures.  This would have an urbanising impact on the locality and would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the street scene.  As such it is considered that this element of the proposal is contrary to policy EP3 of the SBD local plan.


PL/23/0663/FA Stoke Park Ltd, Stoke Park House, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire 

Extension to existing buggy path and associated works (Retrospective)

Parish Comments:- Object, The relevance of Oakmead and Stoke Park Estate are completely separate and have no connection so there is no need for a private path to Oakmead.  The materials used are not ecologically sustainable.  This is not in keeping with the original Brown design and we support the letter of objection to Richard Regan the planning officer from the Gardens Trust.

Policies GB1 (g), GB4, GB5 (d), CP8, CP9, C1 (a1) & (b), EP3. EP4 and R9 all apply.


PL/22/3599/FA 105 Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4LP

Two storey dwelling with detached single storey garage to front and outbuilding to rear.

Parish Comments:- Object, this is in the Conservation Area and is contrary to C6 and we believe this would damage the listing of The Uplands.  Policies EP3 and C1 (a) & (b) apply.  This is totally out of keeping with the street scene, by way of design, in the context of the sites with pitched roofs and surroundings, the proposed replacement dwelling and gates would adversely affect the character and amenities of the street scene and the locality in general, and would fail to respond positively to the features of the site itself and the surrounding context.  The proposal would therefore fail to comply with policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) as well as CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy Development Plan Document and would be contrary to the above provisions of the Local Plan, NPPF and National Design Guide.

Hereby Permits

PL/22/4256/HB Stoke Green Farmhouse, Stoke Green, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4HN

Listed building consent for single storey ground floor rear extension.

Parish Comments: - No Comment

Permission Refused

PL/22/4083/FA Stoke Green Farmhouse, Stoke Green, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4HN

Single storey ground floor rear extension.

Parish Comments: - No Comment

Permission Refused

PL/22/1998/EU Pinewood Nurseries, Wexham Street, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL3 6NB

Lawful development certificate for an existing use or operation or activity including those in breach of a planning condition. Certificate of lawfulness for erection of existing building for use under Class E

The Council has received an application for the development described above. This is not a planning application, but an application that seeks to demonstrate that the use or the building works, as described above, are "lawful". The applicant must show that the ‘use’ that is the subject of the application has been continuous for more than 10 years or that the ‘building works’ the subject of the application have been substantially complete for more than 4 years, prior to the date of the application. If you have any personal knowledge of how long the use has been carried on and whether the character of the use has changed at all, or, in the case of building works, when those works were completed, the Council would like to hear from you. As this is not a planning application, I must emphasise that the Council is not considering the planning merits of the case. The Council therefore cannot take into account in determining this type of application, whether the use or the building work the subject of the application is, or is not, acceptable, it is purely a legal judgement based on the evidence.

Cert of Law - existing use - granted

PL/22/1999/EU Pinewood Nurseries, Wexham Street, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL3 6NB

Lawful development certificate for an existing use or operation or activity including those in breach of a planning condition Certificate of lawfulness for erection of existing building for use under Class E.

The Council has received an application for the development described above. This is not a planning application, but an application that seeks to demonstrate that the use or the building works, as described above, are "lawful". The applicant must show that the ‘use’ that is the subject of the application has been continuous for more than 10 years or that the ‘building works’ the subject of the application have been substantially complete for more than 4 years, prior to the date of the application. If you have any personal knowledge of how long the use has been carried on and whether the character of the use has changed at all, or, in the case of building works, when those works were completed, the Council would like to hear from you. As this is not a planning application, I must emphasise that the Council is not considering the planning merits of the case. The Council therefore cannot take into account in determining this type of application, whether the use or the building work the subject of the application is, or is not, acceptable, it is purely a legal judgement based on the evidence.

Cert of Law - existing use - granted

PL/23/1021/FA Aramghar, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4PJ

Two storey side extension and part two, part single storey side extension - (Resubmission of planning approval - PL/19/1990/FA

Parish Comments:- Object, policies GB1, GB10, HY11 (a), (b), & (c), & CP9 all apply. We believe that this exceeds the 50% Green Belt Rules.

This proposal, together with previous extensions that have been carried out to the dwelling house would, by virtue of the resultant size and scale of the building when considered in relation to the original building and its potentially intrusive impact upon its setting in the landscape, contribute to the erosion of the Greenbelt which, individually and when considered in the context of accumulation of other similar proposals, would detrimentally affect the aims objectives go the Greenbelt. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policies GB1 and GB10 of the SBDC Local Plan (adopted March 1999)

The proposed development, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, style and proximity to the sites flank boundaries, would appear over dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping, as well as appearing as a cramped overdevelopment of the site. As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. Therefore the proposal is contrary to policies H9 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999), and policy CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (adopted February 2011), and the NPPF. Furthermore, the proposed development would not reflect the form or height of existing buildings on this designated Formal Suburban Road, to the detriment of its appearance and character and contrary to the content of the South Bucks Townscape Character Study.

Hereby Permits

PL/23/0447/FA 32 Penn Meadow, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4EB

Single storey rear/side extension with flat roof.

Parish Comments: - No Comment

Hereby Permits

PL/23/0281/FA 16 Duffield Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4AB

Remodelling of rear garden (part retrospective).

Parish Comments:- Object The proposed rear boundary wall, if permitted, would result in a visually intrusive feature that would appear over dominant to the existing adjoining gardens whose features of which are mostly soft vegetative boundaries rather than formal engineered structures.  This would have an urbanising impact on the locality and would have a detrimental impact on the properties overlooking and adjoining.  As such it is considered that this element of the proposal is contrary to policy EP3 of the SBD local plan.

The garden has already been decimated over the last few months and tons of vegetation has been removed along with many mature trees which have been taken out, allowing this wall will mean that the surrounding gardens will be undermined.  The Townscape Character Study part 3.3 applies.

Hereby Permits



Meeting ended at 9pm