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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Planning Committee - Meeting Minutes

Monday 21st February 2022

Table Of Contents



Present:  Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bassi, Cllr Crocker, Cllr Finan & Mr Rawlings

In Attendance:- Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)                

Agenda Items

094/PL/21 Items by Members of Public Present.

The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment.

One member of public came to listen to comments for PL/21/4847/FA.

095/PL/21 Apologies for Absence

APOLOGIES were received from Mr Duncombe, Mr Harris and Cllr Knox-Scott.

096/PL/21 Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2007.  If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


097/PL/21 Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 17 January 2022 which were signed by the Chairman.             

098/PL/21 Planning Applications

(i) RESOLVED To approve delegated decisions submitted for Planning Applications for which the response date was prior to this Committee Meeting.   See Appendix 1.

(ii) RESOLVED To consider and formulate a response to new Planning Applications received. See Appendix 2. Plus amended plans for information only.

099/PL/21 NOTED Planning Decisions, Enforcements and Appeals.

District Decisions made since the last Planning Committee Meeting.  See Appendix 3.

100/PL/21 Correspondence.


101/PL/21 Meeting Equipment

DISCUSSED whether we need further equipment to run the planning meetings efficiently. AGREED to trial working with laptops at the next meeting in more of an orderly fashion.  Projector and Screen may prove difficult with the light.

102/PL/21 Neighbourhood Plan

Updates and to make any decisions following scoping meetings.- No update.

103/PL/21 Exclusion of the Press & Public

Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the following business because publicity would prejudice the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business.  Part two items: To discuss any possible unlawful buildings or business’s which have not been granted enforcement notices and therefore are not public.

104/PL/21 NOTED Outstanding Enforcements See Appendix 4.

105/PL/21 NOTED Next meeting date: 21 March 2022



PL/21/4543/FA Boundary Meadow, Collum Green Road, Stoke Poges, SL2 4BB

Erection of a new dwelling following demolition of existing house and outbuildings.

Parish Comments:-  Object over the Green Belt 50% Rules.  Policies GB10, GB11, H9, EP3 & GB1 all apply.  This style and design of property is not in keeping in this Green Belt area.  This is not compatible with the street scene and will act as a precursor.  If permission were given this should ensure that the garage and outbuildings are considered with the 50% rules.

The application site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt as defined in the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) and within the Green Belt. There is a presumption against development other than for a limited number of specified exceptions or in very special circumstances. The proposed replacement dwelling house would be materially larger than the existing dwelling house on the site and therefore would be considered as inappropriate development, which by definition is harmful to the Green belt. By virtue of the design, form, size and scale of the building, the proposed replacement dwelling house would have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing dwelling house. The proposed replacement dwelling house would contribute to the erosion of the Green Belt, which would detrimentally affect the aims and objectives of the Green Belt. The proposal therefore does not fall within any of the categories of specified exceptions for development within the Green Belt and as such, the proposed development constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt which by definition is harmful to the Green Belt. No very special circumstances exist in this case sufficient to warrant an exception to Green Belt policy. As such the proposal is contrary to policies GB1, GB11 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) and section 13 (Protecting Green Belt Land) of the NPPF (2019).

The replacement house as proposed is shown to be a large and bulky building, aggressively symmetrical and monolithic in appearance. The neo-Georgian detailing would appear out of place in this particular area.  Although the plot is large and allows reasonable gaps to both side boundaries, the proposed house would appear overlarge and out of keeping with its surroundings and with the character of the area, designated a ‘Woodland Road’.  In terms of design and scale, the proposed replacement dwelling is not considered to accord with the principles set out in policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan, adopted 1999, and the standard of design would not comply with advice in the National Design Guide. The development would therefore fail to accord with guidance set out in the NPPF (2019).

PL/22/0297/FA Wharncliffe House, Grays Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4JG

Two storey rear extension, roof extension with additional side rooflights and internal alterations.

Parish Comments:-  Object, we believe this exceeds the Green Belt 50% rule, GB10.

PL/22/0212/FA Brimmers, Farthing Green Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4JH

Single storey front extension, garage and new roof with 7 side rooflights.

Parish Comments:-  Object, The Drawings are insufficient and we spent lots of time trying to read them:-

Insufficient and accurate information’s been submitted with the application and therefore it is not possible for the Planning Committee to assess properly the merits of the proposal. Specifically, the applications failed to include accurate or precise drawings of all the elements of the proposed extensions. As such, the drawings are incomplete and the impacts of the proposed extensions cannot be properly assessed.

PL/22/0363/FA 78 Hazell Way, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4DG

Single storey front and rear extensions.

Parish Comments: – No Objections to the plan although we have concerns about the proximity of a tree to the proposal which we believe the applicant has failed to include. Looking on Google Maps we believe a tree to be 13.5m from the proposal. We also note this has been highlighted by a resident’s letter of objection

PL/22/0279/TP Asees, West End Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4NA

T1, T2 and T3 Scots Pine Fell (TPO/SBDC/2012/27)

Parish Comments:-  Object to the removal of healthy trees with TPO’s. The applicant has given no reason for removal. West End Lane is classified as a Woodland Road therefore removal of trees and soft hedges is seen as damaging to the street scene.

PL/22/0309/FA 29 Penn Meadow, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4EB

Single storey front/side and side extensions, first floor front and side extensions changes to windows and formation of hardstanding. (Part retrospective).

Parish Comments:-  We have no comment other than the drawings are again insufficient and impossible to read.

Insufficient and accurate information’s been submitted with the application and therefore it is not possible for the Planning Committee to assess properly the merits of the proposal. Specifically, the applications failed to include accurate or precise drawings of all the elements of the proposed extensions. As such, the drawings are incomplete, and the impacts of the proposed extensions cannot be properly assessed.

PL/22/0010/FA Khalsa Secondary Acadamy (Sefton Park), School Lane, Formerly The Focus School, Stoke Poges, SL2 4QA

Construction of a new barn and light landscaping to provide a replacement habitat for bats displaced for their roost on the roof void of the former Focus School site, as a response to conditions 5, 12 and 13 of the Appeal Decision Notice.  APP/N0410/W/20/3264723

Parish Comments:-  Object. Even though the condition of the appeal agree we are concerned by yet another building in the Green Belt adding to more erosion.

PL/22/0061/FA New Cottage, Templewood Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4AN

Single storey and part first floor rear extensions, addition of a rear dormer and roof lights to the front and side elevations, additional windows to the front and side elevations, new portico and associated changes to windows and doors, external finish, double entrance sliding gate and rendered piers with railings between them.

Parish Comments:- Object Policies H9, EP4 (b) and EP3 apply as well as the Woodland Townscape Study item 3.3 regarding built forms.

This proposal, if permitted would be likely to act as a precursor of further applications for similar types of development within this part of the Greenbelt, which the Planning Authority would find increasingly difficult to resist and which, which, cumulatively, would seriously prejudice the openness of the Greenbelt and the aims and objectives of Greenbelt policy. This collective of semi detached cottages are a key feature of this woodland road and as so have an positive impact on the historical heritage of smaller dwellings that are in keeping with a village.

The proposed front boundary wall, if permitted, would result in a visually intrusive road-side feature that would appear prominent in the street scene, the predominant existing roadside features of which are mostly soft vegetative boundaries rather than formal engineered structures.  This would have an urbanising impact on the locality and would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the street scene.  As such it is considered that this element of the proposal is contrary to policy EP3 of the SBD local plan.

The core strategy page 59 parts 3.3.3 and 3.3.8 apply.  

The Ecology checklist has failed to be filled in correctly as stated no to hedgerows when clearly the are removing them!

PL/22/0072/VRC Pine Ways, Grays Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4JG

Variation of condition 5 (Permitted development rights) of planning permission 08/01662/FUL (Two storey front/side extension and single storey rear extension) to allow for the re-instatement of permitted development rights.

Parish Comments:-  Object based on being in the Green Belt. Permitted Development rights were removed for good reason, so we feel this should remain in order to protect the spaces and bulk of houses on this road.

PL/21/4795/TP Pine Ways, Grays Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4JG

Evergreen Oak T1 – Reduce by approx. 3.5m.  Ash T2 – Fell. Ash T3 – Fell. Horse Chestnut T 4 – Reduce by approx. 3m. 1 x Scots Pine – Fell (TPO/SBDC/1990/13)

Parish Comments:-  Object to the removal of healthy trees especially with TPO’s on them!

PL/22/0055/FA Landsdowne House, Templewood Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4DA

Part two storey/part first floor side/rear extension and outbuilding in side garden.

Parish Comments:-  Object, Green Belt 50% rules apply.  Google Earth shows the proximity of trees to the development is undermined.

This proposal, together with previous extensions that have been carried out to the dwelling house would, by virtue of the resultant size and scale of the building when considered in relation to the original building and its potentially intrusive impact upon its setting in the landscape, contribute to the erosion of the Greenbelt which, individually and when considered in the context of accumulation of other similar proposals, would detrimentally affect the aims objectives go the Greenbelt. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policies GB1 and GB10 of the SBDC Local Plan (adopted March 1999)

PL/22/0022/FA 72 Hazell Way, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4DG

Part two, part first floor side/rear extension and single storey rear extension.

Parish Comments:- Object: Policies EP3, H9 and EP5 apply.

Google Earth shows the proximity of trees to the development is undermined.

This proposal, together with previous extensions that have been carried out to the dwelling house would, by virtue of the resultant size and scale of the building when considered in relation to the original building and its potentially intrusive impact upon its setting in the landscape, contribute to the erosion of this street which compromises of modest semi detached houses.

The double storey aspect is intrusive and overlooking number 74.  There is already a bungalow in the back garden which we believe is habitable.

PL/21/4847/FA 11 Penn Meadow, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4EB

Two storey rear extension, part two storey, part first floor side extension, garage conversion to living space, single storey front extension, demolish existing chimney and addition of 3 rooflights to the rear elevation.

Parish Comments:- No Comment



PL/21/4295/FA Framewood Nursery, Hollybush Hill, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4QN

Demolition of existing garage, proposed single storey detached garage.

Parish Comments:-  No Comment.

Hereby Permits

PL/21/3419/FA 29 Penn Meadow, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4EB

Single storey front/side and side extensions, first floor front and side extensions, formation of hardstanding and boundary fence.

Parish Comments:-  No Comment


PL/21/3330/FA 59 Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4LG

Part single/part two storey side/rear extension.

Parish Comments:- No Comment

Hereby Permits

PL/21/2629/FA 3 Bunby Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4BS

First floor rear extension.

Parish Comments:-  No Comment

Hereby Permits

PL/21/4493/CONDA Focus School Stoke Poges Campus. School Lane, Stoke Poges, SL2 4QA

Approval of condition 4 (SuDS Design) of planning permission PL/19/3143/FA (Erection of a multi-purpose space and ancillary rooms, removal of existing modular classrooms, creation of a new footpath link with Khalsa Academy, creation of temporary construction access on School Lane and related landscaping, SUDS and other drainage works and associated works to 6 no TPO trees).

Approval of Condition 4 (SuDS).

PL/21/4327/PNE Pattroyan, Farthing Green Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4JJ

Notification under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A for: Single storey rear extensions (Depth extending from the original rear wall of 8.00 metres, maximum height 2/54 metres, eaves height 2.54 metres).

Prior Approval Required

Prior Approval Refused.

PL/21/4241/SA Field House, Hollybush Hill, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4QN

Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed outbuilding containing indoor swimming pool.

Refused PP required.

PL/21/4236/SA 86 Deans Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4JX

Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed single storey rear extension and front porch.

Hereby Certify.


PL/20/4361/PAHAS The Bungalow, Wexham Street, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL3 6PA

Notification under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, Amendment to Part 1 of Schedule 2 Class AA for: additional storey to existing dwellinghouse (maximum height increase 2.6m).



Appeal Dismissed

Meeting ended at 9.47pm