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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Recreation and Environment Committee

The Parish Council Recreation and Environment Committee has the responsibility to make decisions on how to look after and maintain our two recreation grounds and any equipment located in these areas. This includes working with chosen contractors which are selected via a tender process. It has the responsibility to check that all equipment is well maintained and in good condition. It carries out weekly inspections and will look to replace equipment as needed.

In addition to this there is an allotment site within the parish. This site is located in the Greenbelt and is well maintained; it is important that the site is used for its intended use under the Allotment Act 1922. There is a wood called Nettleship Wood and two paddocks owned and managed by the Parish Council. The maintenance and planting of the Village Green is also managed by the Parish Council.

Another aspect of the committee is community cohesion, and this includes any events that are organised such as special celebrations and Carols on the Green. Planning for such events takes much preparation ensuring everything is covered by legislation. The Parish Council thinks it is important to find opportunities to bring people together and appreciate village life.

The Recreation and Environment Committee meets three times per year, on the fourth Monday in February, June and October.

Archive of meeting agendas and minutes