Recreation and Environment Committee - Meeting Minutes
Monday 28th February 2022
Present:- Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bassi, Cllr Cox & Cllr Crocker.
In Attendance:- Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)
Absent:- Cllr Egleton & Cllr Flower
Agenda Items
033/RE/22 Items by Members of Public Present first 15 Minutes.
The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public Comment on items on the agenda.
034/RE/22 Apologies for absence.
APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Bagge.
035/RE/22 Declarations of interest
Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012. If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code; the Member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.
Cllr Carter declared an interest in item 39 (New Signage).
036/RE/22 Minutes
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the R&E Committee held on 25 October 2021 which were signed by the Chairman.
037/RE/22 Football Bells Hill
NOTED that there was wear and tear on the kitchen and items inside. NOTED that the big bins have been removed because they were being abused and the recycling was contaminated with food stuff which would attract vermin. Club asked to remove their own rubbish from now on and report any breakages and keep kitchen and hobs clean.
038/RE/22 Nettleship Wood
NOTED no issues to report. Fallen tree in Frank Solari field has been dealt with by our contractor who is in the process of quoting for the rotten posts and rails.
NOTED Earthworks January report. RESOLVED to agree all in favour to have ancient tree inventory carried out.
039/RE/22 Hill and Plough Lane Recreation Grounds
RESOLVED to agree, all in favour that the MUGA should be locked and unlocked by volunteer neighbours (if willing). AGREED 7pm usual and 8pm during summer holidays to be fair to users and to be neighbourly, this worked well last year. No locking or un-locking during the winter months.
NOTED that new signage is on order and will be fitted in the next three to four weeks for the Recreations Grounds and is required under Health and Safety.
NOTED that the seat on the zip wire in Plough Lane was replaced after being damaged by a dog.
NOTED that request had been received to place a mound under the new zip wire launch pad in Bells Hill Rec, AGREED all in favour to take the manufacturers advice not to do this as it tampers with the installation instructions which would invalidate the insurance. AGREED that users do so at their own risk and children should be supervised at all times when using the play equipment.
NOTED that two more bins in Bells Hill Recreation Ground are on order, however works have been delayed, and that the dog bin at Templewood Lane will be replaced at the same time.
NOTED that the MUGA, and other pieces of play equipment that require cleaning will be done in the spring, Clerk still getting quotes although budget approved previously to come out of maintenance.
NOTED that the clerk is working on quotes for new equipment in Bells Hill to replace the old wooden items that have rotted. Once received they will then go to the Beeches for consideration for funding. AGREED all in favour that the first quote for equipment replacement is acceptable and agreed the steel trail rather than wood. Clerk to speak to Beeches to see if one quote is acceptable.
NOTED Request from resident to have a gate placed in the Plough Lane recreation Ground at the opening onto Farthing Green Lane. AGREED that this might be an unauthorised access and that it might not be a good idea to have a gate directly onto the road. Clerk and Cllr Carter to check and report back.
040/RE/22 Pavilion
NOTED Some ongoing problems with the Pavilion being dealt with by the Clerk as reported under item 37.
041/RE/22 Allotments
Cllr Cox reported that the locks had been replaced by the supplier and hopefully these new ones will not cause the same problems as there was a manufacturing fault.
The gate is now mostly locked at all times.
There have been deliveries of chippings and manure on a regular basis which is working well.
Clerk to speak to Allotment Association about tyre tracks around the site even though the big containers are there to prevent driving.
A couple of new plot holders have not been working their plots. Clerk to chase.
042/RE/21 Bells Hill Green
NOTED Nothing to update on Friends of Bells Hill working party.
043/PC/22 Store Cupboard
NOTED that there is £1021.11 in the earmarked reserves left over from the store cupboard fund, must be spent on the same type of cause. AGREED all in favour to spend on good/planters for jubilee for people in need.
044/PC/22 Jubilee 2022
NOTED the working party for this event are Cllrs Carter, Crocker, Bagge, Pritchard, Finan, Bassi and Knox-Scott.
Update is that so far, an Entertainer, Face Painter, DJ, Rock Choir, Bunting, Coins/Badges, First Aid, Balloons are all either booked or being dealt with. Clerk to organise the SAG and a liquor licence.
045/PC/22 Carols on the Green Saturday 26 November 2022
NOTED and DISCUSSED the brainstorming document from last year’s event.
AGREED the working party as proposed by Cllr Crocker Cllrs Carter and agreed by all. Party members are Cllrs Carter, Crocker, Bassi, Pritchard, Knox-Scott and Bagge. and the format for this year’s event was agreed.
NOTED & AGREED by all, that the reindeer have been provisionally booked for two hours.
046/PC/21 NOTED Litter Picking Events
To note next litter picking dates and times
- SATURDAY 14 MAY 2022 10AM-12NOON
047/RE/21 – NOTED Date of next meeting
27 June 2022
Meeting ended at 8.45pm