Planning Committee - Meeting Agenda
Monday 19th August 2024
Table Of Contents
Julie Simmonds
13 August 2024
Agenda Items
040/PL/24 Items by Members of Public Present.
The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment.
041/PL/24 Apologies for Absence
042/PL/24 Declarations of Interest
Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2007. If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.
043/PL/24 Minutes
Approval of the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 15 July 2024 (No Minutes as the meeting was not quorate)
044/PL/24 Planning Applications
(i) To approve delegated decisions submitted for Planning Applications for which the response date was prior to this Committee Meeting. See Appendix 1.
(ii)To consider and formulate a response to new Planning Applications received. See Appendix 2. Plus, amended plans for information only.
045/PL/24 Planning Decisions, Enforcements and Appeals.
District Decisions made since the last Planning Committee Meeting. See Appendix 3.
046//PL/24 Councillors/Members Update
047/PL/24 Correspondence.
048/PL/24 Neighbourhood Plan
049/PL/24 Exclusion of the Press & Public
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 To resolve to exclude the press and public from the following business because publicity would prejudice the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business. Part two items: To discuss any possible unlawful buildings or business’s which have not been granted enforcement notices and therefore are not public.
050/PL/24 Outstanding Enforcements See Appendix 4.
051/PL/24 Next meeting date: 16 September 2024
PL/24/1711/TP Grove House, 2A Freemans Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks SL2 4ER
2 yews - reduce branches closer to building by 1.5m (TPO/SBDC/2003/13)
Parish Comments: No Comments subject to the Tree Officer’s report
PL/24/1800/FA 43 Pennylets Green, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4BX
Single storey rear extension
Parish Comments: No Comment
PL/24/1795/FA 143 Vine Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4DH
Conversion of existing garage, single storey front and rear extension. Extend existing hard standing and vehicular access.
Parish Comments: No Comment
PL/24/1840/TP Serendipity, 12 Freemans Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4ER
T1 plum - reduce by 2m (TPO/SBDC/2003/12)
Parish Comments: No comment subject to the Tree Officer’s report
PL/24/1824/HB Focus School Stoke Poges Campus, School Lane, Stoke Poges, SL2 4QA
Listed building consent for taking down and reinstatement of a dangerous part of the boundary retaining wall and planter walls.
Parish Comments: No Comment
PL/24/1892/FA Snitterfield House, Grays Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4HX
Erection of a new garage block with accommodation above.
Parish Comments: OBJECT
The applicant has not demonstrated any special circumstances for this development in the Green Belt. Policies apply GB1, GB10d, GB10e and Core Policy 8.
This development, if permitted would act as a precursor to further applications of this type within this part of the Green Belt which the Planning Authority would find increasingly difficult to resist and which, cumulatively would seriously prejudice the openness of the Green Belt and the aims and objectives of the Green Belt policy.
This proposal would, by virtue of the resultant size and scale of the building when considered in relation to the original building and its potential intrusive impact upon its setting in the landscape, contribute to the erosion of the Green Belt which, individually and when considered in the context of an accumulation of similar proposals, would detrimentally affect the aims and objectives of the Green Belt. As such the proposal is contrary to Policy GB1 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999).
The proposal would change the use of open land and, therefore, has the potential to affect the Ecology of the site and its surroundings. No information has been submitted in relation to Ecology or biodiversity. As such, there is insufficient information to demonstrate that the proposal would conserve and enhance biodiversity the application is contrary to Policy CP9 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) and the requirements of Section 15 of the NPPF or the NPPG.
PL/24/1930/VRC Rotherfield, Gerrards Cross Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4EJ
Variation of condition 8 (approved plans) of planning permission PL/22/0492/FA (Part two storey /part single storey rear extension, first floor side extension, attached double garage to front, hip to gable front roof extension, gable to hip side roof alteration, 3 rear dormers and 2 front skylights and changes to windows) to allow for corrected drawings.
Parish Comments: OBJECT:
“Gable front roof extension:
This is bulky in appearance. Policies EP3 and H9 apply.
The front triangular window is much larger than is shown on the approved plan and is not
referenced in the variation, this should be reflected in the current plan.
We would draw your attention to the draft Stoke Poges Neighbourhood Plan, Design Codes: LB03 Pages 70, 71 and 73. LB04 in its entirety applies to this application
“Gable to Hipside Roof Alteration”
We have studied the drawings and there are four dormers not three therefore the current drawings are not accurate.
With regard to the two front skylights, we would point out that the amended drawings areinaccurate with regard to their position.
There are two Velux windows which are visible from the road. They are not on the original plans and are on one of the drawings but not declared in the amendment.
Our observations regarding the original versus the submitted variation drawings is that this development has not been built in accordance with any previous drawings. We believe the drawings are misleading and would request a thorough site visit from the Planning Officer.
The variations should not be granted based on the fact that the development is overbearing and incongruous on the street scene. It is not subordinate in scale with the surrounding properties as such the
Parish Council will request that the application is ‘Called in'
PL/24/1968/FA High Farm, Duffield Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4AL
2 dormers and single storey infill extension.
Parish Comments: No Comment
PL/24/1986/FA 102 Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4LL
First floor rear extension and alterations.
Parish Comments: No Comment
PL/24/1786/FA Land To The West Of Wexham Street, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire
192 permanent staff car parking spaces with associated landscaping.
Parish Comments: OBJECT:
Page 3 of the Planning Statement refers to changes to surroundings since the car park was built.
We would like to point out that some of this development is unlawful and has been the subject of Enforcement. Therefore, this is not a true reflection of the surrounding area.
The proposal for the staff car park uses tarmac rather than the existing gravel. We believe the use of tarmac to be an urbanising feature that is not in keeping with Green Belt land.
We would draw your attention to the draft Stoke Poges Neighbourhood Plan which can be found on our website
This proposal is not in accordance with Policy SP12 (Page 52) regarding Dark Skies. All proposed developments should be designed to prevent light pollution.
We believe this important piece of Green Belt is a buffer between Slough and Stoke Poges. The addition of lighting would be an urbanising feature leading to no defined difference between Slough and Stoke Poges.
PL/24/2119/FA Gateside, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4PG
Installation of a timber fence along the boundary of the residential property.
PL/24/2091/FA 1 Plough Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4JR
Replacement single storey rear extension.
PL/24/2132/FA 41 Vine Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4DW
2 storey side extensions and conversion and enlargement of existing garage to form single storey rear extension and front porch.
PL/24/2185/TP Serendipity, 12 Freemans Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4ER
T1 Cherry Plum – remove (TPO/SBDC/2003/12).
PL/24/2404/FA 22 Pennylets Green, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4BT
Loft conversion, single storey side and front extensions.
PL/24/2429/FA 76 Hazell Way, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4DG
Single storey front extension and additional side window.
PL/24/2240/FA Stoke Grange, Fir Tree Avenue, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4NN
Single storey rear extensions and first floor side extension.
PL/24/2225/FA Carrillon, Hollybush Hill, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4PX
Erection of a 3 bed detached house adjacent to existing house. Construction of a new vehicular access.
PL/24/2296/FA Warren Lodge, 14 Clevehurst Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4EP
Part two storey, part single storey rear extension, loft extension the addition of four rear dormers, additional window to side elevation and single storey front extension.
PL/24/2157/FA 4 Ash Grove, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4AG
Single storey rear extension and demolition of existing conservatory.
PL/24/0723/FA Lynwood, 4 Clevehurst Close, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4EP.
Erection of a two and half storey building comprising nine apartments following demolition of the existing building, formation of additional access onto the highway, parking and landscaping including bin and cycle stores.
Parish Comments: Object.
The proposed replacement dwelling, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, would appear over dominant, obtrusive, incongruous and out of keeping in the street scene and not compatible with the scale and spacious pattern of development in the surrounding area. Although the plot is large and allows reasonable gaps to both side boundaries, the proposed house would appear overlarge.
The proposed dwelling would not respect the proportions and semi-rural nature of development seen elsewhere within Clevehurst Close and would as a result cause significant harm to the character and appearance of the area. Given this, the proposed replacement dwelling would fail to accord with the aims of the NPPF, C1 of the National Design Guide, the South Bucks Residential Design Guide, the principles and guidance set out within the Townscape Character Study 2017.
As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. Therefore, the proposal is contrary to policies H9, H11 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999), and policy CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (adopted February 2011), also contrary to Appendix 8 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999, Consolidated September 2007 and February 2011) and the NPPF. Furthermore, the proposed development would not reflect the form or height of existing buildings on this designated woodland road which is a lovely semi-rural street characterised by individual detached dwellings, therefore detrimental in its appearance and character and contrary to the content of the South Bucks Townscape Character Study.
There will also be loss of trees, and no Arboricultural Reports have been submitted to show how loss or potential damage to trees can be mitigated.
Lack of onsite parking we believe to be contrary to appendix 6 of the South Bucks Local Plan. As pointed out by the applicant there are no pavements in Clevehurst Road therefore pedestrians have no choice but to walk in the road. The location of this proposal is near to a T junction at a busy main road, therefore parked cars near the junction will be dangerous for drivers and pedestrians. Stoke Poges does not have any major transport links and an infrequent bus service therefore most people rely on their car.
The proposed demolition may cause harm as there is potential for European Protected Species (Bats) or other protected species to be present on site which would be impacted. The application has failed to provide survey information to demonstrate whether any protected species are present on site and whether the proposal would be likely to harm the habitat of a protected species and if so, what mitigation might be considered to address any harm. The removal of the mature hedge is also detrimental to the woodland road. As such, the application is contrary to policy CP9 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) and the requirements of the NPPF.
The occupants of the proposal would add to the recreational disturbance of the Burnham Beeches Special Area of Conservation as the proposal would not contribute satisfactorily to mitigate its impacts in this respect. In the absence of a planning obligation to secure suitable strategic access management and monitoring, to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority, the proposal is contrary to Core Policy 9 of the Core Strategy and Section 15 of the NPPF
This proposal, if permitted, would be likely to act as a precursor of further applications for similar types of development within Stoke Poges, which the Planning Authority would find increasingly difficult to resist.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 page 63 onwards.
Please see policies:
- LB01: Patterns of development and
- LB03: Preserving and promoting local vernacular.
- AM02: Parking typologies.
- LS02: Wildlife and biodiversity.
- SF01: Sustainable Buildings.
- SF02:Water management and SuDS
The scope of the design code is not limited to large interventions within the main settlement area but also within the wider rural setting as well as individual small-scale developments. Creating good places demand a focus on achieving quality and this needs to be embedded in the heart of the process. Development should demonstrate synergy with, and be complementary to, existing settlement in terms of physical form, movement/access, and land use type.
Development should relate sensitively to local heritage buildings, topography.
Development should reinforce or enhance the established character of the settlement.
Development should reflect, respect and reinforce local architecture as many vernacular features as is practicable.
Development should respect surrounding buildings in terms of scale, height, and massing.
Net Zero aims should be integrated, and development should adopt low energy and energy generative technologies within the development at the start of the design process.
Development should use nature-based water management solutions/ SuDS 14 to manage on-site water and boost biodiversity habitat.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given).
We will be writing to all three County Councillors to ask them to call this in based on the comments above.
Hereby Refuse Permission
PL/24/1701/FA Elmfield, Bells Hill, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4EG
Single storey rear extension
Parish Comments: No Comment
Hereby Permits
PL/24/1573/FA Stentorp, Stoke Wood, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4AU
Part two storey front, two storey side and single storey rear extensions, the addition of three rear dormers, roof lights to the rear and side elevations and part garage conversion to living accommodation.
Parish Comments: Object policies GB1, EP3, H9 and Appendix 8, (5 & 6) 6.1 of the Local Plan apply.
This proposal, if permitted would be likely to act as a precursor of further applications for similar types of development within this part of the Greenbelt, which the Planning Authority would find increasingly difficult to resist and which, which, cumulatively, would seriously prejudice the openness of the Greenbelt and the aims and objectives of Greenbelt policy.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section Boundary Treatments on page 72.
LB 03 Design Codes - Scale, massing and roofscape.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given).
PL/24/1711/TP Grove House, 2A Freemans Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks SL2 4ER
2 yews - reduce branches closer to building by 1.5m (TPO/SBDC/2003/13)
Parish Comments: No Comments subject to the Tree Officer’s report
Hereby Grants Consent
PL/24/1840/TP Serendipity, 12 Freemans Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4ER
T1 plum - reduce by 2m (TPO/SBDC/2003/12)
Parish Comments: No comment subject to the Tree Officer’s report
Hereby Grants Consent
PL/22/4256/HB Stoke Green Farmhouse, Stoke Green, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4HN
Listed building consent for single storey ground floor rear extension.
Parish Comments: - No Comment
Permission Refused
Written Reps by 20 February 2024
Appeal dismissed
PL/22/4083/FA Stoke Green Farmhouse, Stoke Green, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4HN
Single storey ground floor rear extension.
Parish Comments: - No Comment
Permission Refused
Written reps by 20 February 2024
Appeal Dismissed.