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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Planning Committee - Meeting Minutes

Monday 16th September 2024

Table Of Contents



Present:- Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bassi & Cllr Finan

Also Present: 1 Member of public.

Agenda Items

052/PL/24 Items by Members of Public Present.

The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment.

One member of the public who is a co-owner of Furze Field attended to discuss the possible development of the land.

053/PL/24 Apologies for Absence

APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Crocker, Mr Harris and Mr Wilson.

054/PL/24 Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2007. If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


055/PL/24 Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 17 June 2024 and 19 August 2024, which were signed by the Chairman.

056PL/24 Planning Applications

(i) RESOLVED to approve delegated decisions submitted for Planning Applications for which the response date was prior to this Committee Meeting. See Appendix 1.

(ii)RESOLVED to consider and formulate a response to new Planning Applications received. See Appendix 2. Plus, amended plans for information only.

057/PL/24 NOTED Planning Decisions, Enforcements and Appeals.

District Decisions made since the last Planning Committee Meeting. See Appendix 3.

058//PL/24 Councillors/Members Update

Updates were given on Rotherfield and Top Cottage.

059/PL/24 Correspondence.

Licence Application for Unit 1 Giles House, Bells Hill Green, SL2 4EW

Parish Comments: Stoke Poges Parish Council wish to object to licence application: PR202409-354551

Unit 1 Giles House, Bells Hill Green, Stoke Poges SL2 4EW.

We have a Co Op just opposite that did have a licence until 11pm. This unfortunately attracted serious crime by way of armed robberies. After several attacks and virtually no foot fall the Co Op decided to reduce its opening times to 9pm.

These shops are located in a small, out of the way pedestrian area, not particularly well lit and are adjacent to our village green that can sometimes attract groups of youths who hang around causing litter, noise and general disturbance. The shops also form part of a high-density residential flat’s development.

Stoke Poges has a small population, and we do not believe there is a need for such late opening times.

Possible crime, the Co Op were forced to close earlier because of robberies.

Increase of parking in a very congested area, many dwellings do not have off street parking.

Noise nuisance

Increase in litter

A small population served by the Co Op, therefore repetitive

060/PL/24 Neighbourhood Plan

NOTED than an external examiner has been chosen.

061/PL/24 Exclusion of the Press & Public

Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the following business because publicity would prejudice the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business. Part two items: To discuss any possible unlawful buildings or business’s which have not been granted enforcement notices and therefore are not public.

062/PL/24 NOTED Outstanding Enforcements See Appendix 4.
063/PL/24 NOTED Next meeting date: 21 October 2024

Meeting ended at 9pm.

Signed/Chairman Dated





PL/24/2226/FA Stoke Park Gold Club, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4PG

Installation of 8 no. timber rose arches.

Parish Comments: No comment

PL/24/2439/FA 72 Hazell Way, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4DG

Extension of existing single garage.

Parish Comments: No comment

PL/24/2666/FA Ouroam, Templewood Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4AN

Demolition of the existing garage and outbuilding (closest to the dwelling) and construction of a two storey side extension and porch.

Parish Comments: No comment

PL/24/2642/TP 8 Neville Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4AQ

T1 – oak – crown reduction of 3m all round, removing any deadwood and pruning back to growth points leaving tree in a natural balanced shape (SBDC TPO 63 of 1999).

Parish Comments: No comment subject to the Tree Officers report

PL/24/2740/FA Lynfield, Wexham Street, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL3 6PA

Demolishing of existing single garage, erection of new detached double garage.

Parish Comments: No comment

PL/24/2718/HB Stoke Park House, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks,

Listed building consent for installation of a temporary lift for a period of 12 months.

Parish Comments: No Heritage Officers report available so difficult to comment objectively






PL/24/1824/HB Focus School Stoke Poges Campus, School Lane, Stoke Poges, SL2 4QA

Listed building consent for taking down and reinstatement of a dangerous part of the boundary retaining wall and planter walls.

Parish Comments: No Comment

Hereby Grants Listed Building Consent.

PL/24/1000/FA Langdale, Grays Park Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2

Construction of a detached dwelling with associated parking following the demolition of the existing dwelling.

Parish Comments: - Object Policies EP3 and H9 apply.

The replacement house as proposed is shown to be a large and bulky building, aggressively symmetrical and monolithic in appearance. The neo-Georgian detailing would appear out of place in this semi rural area with in the GB.

The proposed house would appear overlarge and out of keeping with its surroundings and with the character of the area, designated a 'Woodland Road” and would result in an unduly bulky appearance that would be at odds with the character of this residential area. In terms of design and scale, the proposed replacement dwelling is not considered to accord with the principles set out in policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan, adopted 1999, and the standard of design would not comply with advice in the National Design Guide. The development would therefore fail to accord with guidance set out in the NPPF (2019).

We object to the loss of hedgerows and trees.

We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section LB01 and LB03. This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.

4. Decision-making

48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:

(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).

(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and

(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given).

LB01: New developments must demonstrate an understanding of the scale, building orientation, enclosure, and rhythm of the surrounding built environment;

LB03: New developments should be respectful of architectural styles and use of materials of surrounding housing, whilst ensuring that a mix of styles are provided that is in keeping with Stoke Poges’ local style and character.

Modern interpretations and tasteful adaptations are welcomed in new developments as long as they remain sympathetic to their surrounding contexts. Proposals should also demonstrate how the setting of the local context has been considered.

Roof forms should be in keeping with the surrounding context;

The intricacies of the architectural features and detailing in the parish are locally distinctive and define the unique built character of Stoke Poges. These elements provide visual interest and reduce the scale and bulk of the buildings.

Common wall materials are mainly red brick and off-white render, some of which have exposed painted timber frames, which add to the character of the Parish. Fenestration is generally white, with some examples of timber painted in dark walnut or black. Roofs are typically clad with red and black clay tiles or black slate. All new development should be designed to a high standard and to make a positive contribution to the character of the surrounding area.

Guiding principles for development to respond to the local character include: • Any materials which are not sympathetic to the existing character and material palette should be avoided; • Many modern houses have windows that are wider than the traditional double casement. Traditional proportions should be used on new buildings to strengthen the character of the Parish; and • Solid timber fenestration detailing of simple, traditional design are generally appropriate. Paint colour should ideally be white, estate livery, light cream or muted tones. Dark grey or black UPVC fenestration detailing including should be avoided.

Hereby Permits

PL/24/1795/FA 143 Vine Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4DH

Conversion of existing garage, single storey front and rear extension. Extend existing hard standing and vehicular access.

Parish Comments: No Comment

Hereby Permits.

PL/24/1892/FA Snitterfield House, Grays Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4HX

Erection of a new garage block with accommodation above.

Parish Comments: OBJECT

The applicant has not demonstrated any special circumstances for this development in the Green Belt. Policies apply GB1, GB10d, GB10e and Core Policy 8.

This development, if permitted would act as a precursor to further applications of this type within this part of the Green Belt which the Planning Authority would find increasingly difficult to resist and which, cumulatively would seriously prejudice the openness of the Green Belt and the aims and objectives of the Green Belt policy.

This proposal would, by virtue of the resultant size and scale of the building when considered in relation to the original building and its potential intrusive impact upon its setting in the landscape, contribute to the erosion of the Green Belt which, individually and when considered in the context of an accumulation of similar proposals, would detrimentally affect the aims and objectives of the Green Belt. As such the proposal is contrary to Policy GB1 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999).

The proposal would change the use of open land and, therefore, has the potential to affect the Ecology of the site and its surroundings. No information has been submitted in relation to Ecology or biodiversity. As such, there is insufficient information to demonstrate that the proposal would conserve and enhance biodiversity the application is contrary to Policy CP9 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) and the requirements of Section 15 of the NPPF or the NPPG.

Hereby Refuses Permission.

PL/24/1968/FA High Farm, Duffield Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4AL

2 dormers and single storey infill extension.

Parish Comments: No Comment

Hereby Refuses Permission.

PL/24/1003/FA 16 Duffield Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4AB

Two storey rear, part two, part single storey front extensions, addition of rooflights to the side elevations and garage conversion to living space.

Parish Comments: Object, our previous comments from application 23/0280.FA still apply which were:

Object, out of keeping especially the glass at the rear, it is in poor design and does not sit well in the street scene. Policies EP3 and H9 apply as well as the Townscape Character Study part 3.3. The proposed development, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, style, and proximity to the sites flank boundaries, would appear over dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping. As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. The proposed roof extension, by virtue of its design, appearance, and form, would result in an unsympathetic addition to the host building, out of keeping with the general pattern of development in the locality.

Policies EP3 © and H9 (a) & (b) still apply.

We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section LB01 & LB03.

This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.

4. Decision-making

48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:

(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).

(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and

(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given).

Also the Ecology report states that there are other surveys that must be adhered to!!

Hereby Permits.

PL/24/1004/FA 16 Duffield Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4AB

Two storey rear extension including a rear dormer part two, part single storey front extensions, addition of rooflights to the side elevations and garage conversion to living space.

Parish Comments: Object, our previous comments from application 23/0280.FA still apply which were:

Object, out of keeping especially the glass at the rear, it is in poor design and does not sit well in the street scene. Policies EP3 and H9 apply as well as the Townscape Character Study part 3.3. The proposed development, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, style, and proximity to the sites flank boundaries, would appear over dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping. As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. The proposed roof extension, by virtue of its design, appearance, and form, would result in an unsympathetic addition to the host building, out of keeping with the general pattern of development in the locality.

Policies EP3 (c) and H9 (a) & (b) still apply.

We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section LB01 & LB03.

This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.

4. Decision-making

48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:

(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).

(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and

(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given).

Also the Ecology report states that there are other surveys that must be adhered to!!

Hereby Refuses Permission.

PL/24/1986/FA 102 Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4LL

First floor rear extension and alterations.

Parish Comments: No Comment

Hereby Permits.

PL/24/1786/FA Land to The West of Wexham Street, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire

192 permanent staff car parking spaces with associated landscaping.

Parish Comments: OBJECT:

Page 3 of the Planning Statement refers to changes to surroundings since the car park was built.

We would like to point out that some of this development is unlawful and has been the subject of Enforcement. Therefore, this is not a true reflection of the surrounding area.

The proposal for the staff car park uses tarmac rather than the existing gravel. We believe the use of tarmac to be an urbanising feature that is not in keeping with Green Belt land.

We would draw your attention to the draft Stoke Poges Neighbourhood Plan which can be viewed on our website.

This proposal is not in accordance with Policy SP12 (Page 52) regarding Dark Skies. All proposed developments should be designed to prevent light pollution.

We believe this important piece of Green Belt is a buffer between Slough and Stoke Poges. The addition of lighting would be an urbanising feature leading to no defined difference between Slough and Stoke Poges.

Hereby Permits.

PL/24/1840/TP Serendipity, 12 Freemans Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4ER

T1 plum - reduce by 2m (TPO/SBDC/2003/12)

Parish Comments: No comment subject to the Tree Officer’s report

Hereby Grants Consent.

PL/24/2091/FA 1 Plough Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4JR

Replacement single storey rear extension.

Parish Comments: No Comment

Hereby Refuses Permission.

PL/24/2132/FA 41 Vine Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4DW

2 storey side extensions and conversion and enlargement of existing garage to form single storey rear extension and front porch.

Parish Comments: Object. Policies EP3, H9 & H11 apply, Core Strategy CP8 and Appendix 8, 4 4.1.

The proposed development, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, style and proximity to the sites flank boundaries, would appear over dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping, as well as appearing as a cramped overdevelopment of the site. As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. Therefore, the proposal is contrary to policies H9 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999), and policy CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (adopted February 2011), and the NPPF. Furthermore, the proposed development would not reflect the form or height of existing buildings on this designated Formal Suburban Road, to the detriment of its appearance and character and contrary to the content of the South Bucks Townscape Character Study. This proposal would result in an unsympathetic addition to the host building, out of keeping with the general pattern of development in the locality.

The proposals would therefore be detrimental to the character and appearance of the dwelling, the street scene and the visual amenities of the locality in general and as such are contrary to Policies EP3 and H11 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999), Core Policy 8 of the Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) as well as the recommendations of the Townscape Character Study Part 2 adopted July 2015.

The proposed extensions would result in the creation of a large, bulky and unattractive structure of excessive depth, with flank walls unrelieved by any setbacks. The extended dwelling would be lacking in pleasing proportions and would fail to respect the traditional character of the existing dwelling. The excessive depth would result in an unduly bulky appearance that would be at odds with the traditional proportions of the existing dwelling and would be out of keeping with the general character of this residential area. In terms of design and scale, the proposed extensions and alterations cannot be considered to accord with the principles set out in policies EP3 and H11 of the South Bucks District Local Plan, and the standard of design would not comply with advice in Appendix 8 of the Plan. The development would therefore not be in accordance with guidance set out in the NPPF (2019).

We also believe a biodiversity report is required.

The parking spaces are unclear and contrary to TR7 appendix 6. The application state a conversion of the existing garage but we do not believe it can be converted and will require demolition and because there is no location plan you cannot establish the parking spaces.

We do not believe that this extension respects the balance required for balance housing stock and therefore sets a precedent.

We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 sections:

LB01 Design Codes – Page 67 and page 68

LB03 Design Codes – Page 70 and page 71

LB04 Design Codes – Page 74 and page 75.

This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.

4. Decision-making

48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:

(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).

(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given) and

c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given).

Hereby Permits.

PL/23/3828/VRC Top Cottage, Hollybush Hill, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4PX.

Variation of Condition 3 (detailed window plans) and 10 (approved plans) of Planning Permission PL/22/3520/FA (Part single, part two storey side and rear extension, demolition of garage and construction of garage with space above.) to allow for relocation of side window and to for it to be obscure glass; extension of side dormer window and addition of window with obscure glass and the installation of a obscure glass rooflight on the other side elevation.

Parish Comments: - No Comment.

Appeal Written Reps by 24 September 2024