Planning Committee - Meeting Minutes
Monday 20th May 2024
Table Of Contents
Present: Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bassi, Cllr Crocker, Mr Harris & Mr Wilson
In Attendance:-Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)
Also Present; Two members of public.
Agenda Items
001/PL/24 Election of Chairman
Cllr Crocker proposed to elect Cllr Carter as Chairman for the coming year, this was seconded by Cllr Bassi, not other nominations, RESOLVED to agree uncontested.
002/PL/24 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Crocker proposed Cllr Bassi as Vice Chairman for the coming year, no seconder. Cllr Carter proposed Cllr Crocker, as Vice Chairman for the coming year, no seconder. RESOLVED to agree all in favour to defer to the next meeting.
003/PL/24 Items by Members of Public Present.
The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment.
Two members of the public who were residents, a Developer and Planning consultant were present at the invitation of Cllr Bassi to possibly be co-opted onto Planning it was explained that we currently have two co-opted members, and we only have two co-opted members onto planning otherwise the balance would not be right with elected councillors on the committee. Also, it was pointed out that any co-opted members need to be agreed to by the Full Council and not assumed automatic enrolment.
004/PL/24 Apologies for Absence
APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Finan.
005/PL/24 Declarations of Interest
Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2007. If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.
006/PL/24 Minutes
RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 15 April 2024 which were signed by the Chairman.
007/PL/24 Planning Applications
(i) RESOLVED to approve delegated decisions submitted for Planning Applications for which the response date was prior to this Committee Meeting. See Appendix 1.
(ii) RESOLVED to consider and formulate a response to new Planning Applications received. See Appendix 2. Plus, amended plans for information only.
008/PL/24 NOTED Planning Decisions, Enforcements and Appeals.
District Decisions made since the last Planning Committee Meeting. See Appendix 3.
009//PL/24 Councillors/Members Update
010/PL/24 Correspondence.
NOTED Request to make comments on a planning matter in Wexham, details previously circulated. To decide, it was currently 9.45pm and over the two hour threshold for meetings so agreed to defer to next month.
011/PL/24 Neighbourhood Plan
Nothing to update
012/PL/24 Exclusion of the Press & Public
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 RESOLVEDto exclude the press and public from the following business because publicity would prejudice the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business. Part two items: To discuss any possible unlawful buildings or business’s which have not been granted enforcement notices and therefore are not public.
013/PL/24 NOTED Outstanding Enforcements See Appendix 4.
014/PL/24 NOTED Next meeting date: 17 June 2024
Meeting ended at 9.53pm.
PL/24/1000/FA Langdale, Grays Park Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2
Construction of a detached dwelling with associated parking following the demolition of the existing dwelling.
Parish Comments: - Object Policies EP3 and H9 apply.
The replacement house as proposed is shown to be a large and bulky building, aggressively symmetrical and monolithic in appearance. The neo-Georgian detailing would appear out of place in this semi rural area with in the GB.
The proposed house would appear overlarge and out of keeping with its surroundings and with the character of the area, designated a 'Woodland Road” and would result in an unduly bulky appearance that would be at odds with the character of this residential area. In terms of design and scale, the proposed replacement dwelling is not considered to accord with the principles set out in policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan, adopted 1999, and the standard of design would not comply with advice in the National Design Guide. The development would therefore fail to accord with guidance set out in the NPPF (2019).
We object to the loss of hedgerows and trees.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section LB01 and LB03. This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans
according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given).
LB01: New developments must demonstrate an understanding of the scale, building orientation, enclosure, and rhythm of the surrounding built environment;
LB03: New developments should be respectful of architectural styles and use of materials of surrounding housing, whilst ensuring that a mix of styles are provided that is in keeping with Stoke Poges’ local style and character.
Modern interpretations and tasteful adaptations are welcomed in new developments as long as they remain sympathetic to their surrounding contexts. Proposals should also demonstrate how the setting of the local context has been considered.
Roof forms should be in keeping with the surrounding context;
The intricacies of the architectural features and detailing in the parish are locally distinctive and define the unique built character of Stoke Poges. These elements provide visual interest and reduce the scale and bulk of the buildings.
Common wall materials are mainly red brick and off-white render, some of which have exposed painted timber frames, which add to the character of the Parish. Fenestration is generally white, with some examples of timber painted in dark walnut or black. Roofs are typically clad with red and black clay tiles or black slate. All new development should be designed to a high standard and to make a positive contribution to the character of the surrounding area.
Guiding principles for development to respond to the local character include: • Any materials which are not sympathetic to the existing character and material palette should be avoided; Many modern houses have windows that are wider than the traditional double casement. Traditional proportions should be used on new buildings to strengthen the character of the Parish; and • Solid timber fenestration detailing of simple, traditional design are generally appropriate. Paint colour should ideally be white, estate livery, light cream or muted tones. Dark grey or black UPVC fenestration detailing including should be avoided.
PL/24/0672/FA 56 Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4LF
Close existing gate opening, form new gate opening and vehicular access.
Parish Comments: The Parish Council are unhappy that this application has been decided before having the chance to comment. We asked for an extension for comments on 16 April 2024 and informed the officer that works had already started, and hedgerows removed on this Woodland Road. This is contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan which other officers are now recognising and using when making decisions, you have failed to recognise this. There are currently no hedges left in situ, but the application shows hedges. The proposal to plant new hedges should have been a condition and it is contrary to item 2.73 of the south Bucks Townscape Study and Rogers Lane is a Woodland Road.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section Boundary Treatments on page 72.
LB 03 Design Codes
Boundary treatments Boundary treatments should reinforce the sense of continuity of the building line and help define the public realm, appropriate to the character of the area. The use of appropriate forms of boundary treatments contributes to the semi-rural and historic character of the Parish. They should be mainly continuous hedges and low brick walls, made of traditional materials found in the Parish. • It is preferred that hedges are used as boundary treatments as ‘living boundaries’, where possible. Hedges found within the parish are typically beech, which provides a great habitat for garden birds and creates a year-round dense screen.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)
PL/24/1003/FA 16 Duffield Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4AB
Two storey rear, part two, part single storey front extensions, addition of rooflights to the side elevations and garage conversion to living space.
Parish Comments: Object, our previous comments from application 23/0280.FA still apply which were:
Object, out of keeping especially the glass at the rear, it is in poor design and does not sit well in the street scene. Policies EP3 and H9 apply as well as the Townscape Character Study part 3.3. The proposed development, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, style, and proximity to the sites flank boundaries, would appear over dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping. As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. The proposed roof extension, by virtue of its design, appearance, and form, would result in an unsympathetic addition to the host building, out of keeping with the general pattern of development in the locality.
Policies EP3 © and H9 (a) & (b) still apply.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section LB01 & LB03.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)
Also the Ecology report states that there are other surveys that must be adhered to!!
PL/24/1004/FA 16 Duffield Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4AB
Two storey rear extension including a rear dormer part two, part single storey front extensions, addition of rooflights to the side elevations and garage conversion to living space.
Parish Comments: Object, our previous comments from application 23/0280.FA still apply which were:
Object, out of keeping especially the glass at the rear, it is in poor design and does not sit well in the street scene. Policies EP3 and H9 apply as well as the Townscape Character Study part 3.3. The proposed development, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, style, and proximity to the sites flank boundaries, would appear over dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping. As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. The proposed roof extension, by virtue of its design, appearance, and form, would result in an unsympathetic addition to the host building, out of keeping with the general pattern of development in the locality.
Policies EP3 © and H9 (a) & (b) still apply.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section LB01 & LB03.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)
Also the Ecology report states that there are other surveys that must be adhered to!!
PL/24/1051/FA Bridlemere, Bells Hill, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4EG
Proposal: Single storey rear/side extension.
Parish Comments: No Comment.
PL/24/0482/FA Stoke Park Golf Club, Park Road, Stoke Poges, SL2 4PG
Retrospective application for construction of a shed for use as greenkeepers storage.
Parish Comments: We are concerned about the number of buildings going up on this GB site located in a CA.
We refer you to the ecology report and the recommendation an enhancement scheme which considers the habitat of Great Crested Newts. There is no such scheme that we can view, surely this should have been submitted.
PL/24/1160/FA White Cottage, Fir Tree Avenue, Stoke Poges, SL2 4NN
Raising of roof ridge height on part of the building to allow for first floor accommodation.
Parish Comments: Object Policies EP£ and H9 apply. We believe that this will take the property over the 50% contrary to the Green Belt rules.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section LB03.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)
PL/24/1145/VRC MH House, Lakeside Drive, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4LX
Variations of conditions 2 (Materials), 3 (Hard surface materials) and 14 (Approved plans) of planning permission PL/23/1510/FA (Demolition of existing property to be replaced with two new dwellings, with provisions of bin/cycle storage and parking.) to allow for changes to materials and windows.
Parish Comments: Object.
The replacement houses as proposed are shown to be a large and bulky building, aggressively symmetrical and monolithic in appearance. The neo-Georgian detailing would appear out of place in this suburban area. Compared to the relatively narrow-span ridged roofs of the existing house, the proposed house is excessive in depth, and relies on a large flat crown roof. Although the plot is large and allows reasonable gaps to both side boundaries, the proposed houses would appear overlarge and out of keeping with its surroundings and with the character of the area, designated a 'Woodland Road'. The excessive depth of the building and the unbroken flank elevations would be apparent in angled views from the road and would result in an unduly bulky appearance that would be at odds with the character of this residential area. In terms of design and scale, the proposed replacement dwellings are not considered to accord with the principles set out in policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan, adopted 1999, and the standard of design would not comply with advice in the National Design Guide. The development would therefore fail to accord with guidance set out in the NPPF (2019).
The two different styles of houses side by side would look odd in the street scene.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section LB03 page 70 & 71.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)
PL/24/1083/TP Timber Wood (adjacent To 8 Heatherside Gardens), Collum Green Road, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire,
T10 and T11 sycamore - fell close to ground level and treat stump with eco-plugs (TPO/SBDC/1989/22, TPO/BD/1978/04).
Parish Comments: No Objection subject to the Tree Officers report.
PL/24/1223/FA 88 Hazell Way, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4DG
Demolition of existing garage and construction of single storey side and rear extensions and front porch.
Parish Comments: No Comment.
PL/24/1235/VRC Spring Cottage, Stoke Wood, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4AU
Variation of condition 11 (approved plans) of planning permission PL/21/4616/FA (Demolition of existing house and erection of new dwelling) to allow changes to design and external fabric.
Parish Comments: No Comment.
PL/24/1308/FA 40 Sefton Close, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4LJ.
Part two, part first floor side and two storey rear extensions and single storey extension to front porch.
Parish Comments: No Comment.
PL/24/1306/FA West End Cottage, West End Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks SL2 4NE
Single storey side extension.
Parish Comments: No Comment.
PL/24/0810/FA Stoke Park Ltd, Stoke Park House, Park Road, Stoke Poges,
Part retrospective, part full application for pergola, metal railing with gate, fish pond, decking, bridge, concrete base and associated plant and storage facilities.
Parish Comments: Object. Again, another retrospective application. As this is in the Green Belt, we do not believe that this is ancillary to the main building and the extra facilities on site lead this to be for further commercial use, cumulatively it is all encroaching on to the Green Belt.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 section Listed Buildings pages 14 and 18.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)
We totally agree with the archaeology report.
Page 18: Purpose 3: to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment; • Purpose 4: to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns.
PL/24/1333/FA 33 Vine Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4DW
Single storey rear extension
Parish Comments: No Comment.
PL/24/1390/FA 24 Clevehurst Close, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4EP
Part two, part first floor side, part two, part single storey rear, part single, part two storey side and front porch and single storey front extensions (part retrospective) (Proposed enlargement from approved plans under permission PL/22/3670/FA).
Parish Comments: Object, Policies H9, EP3, H11 (a), (b), (c) all apply. This is clear Overdevelopment of the site.
The proposed development, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, style and proximity to the sites flank boundaries, would appear over dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping, as well as appearing as a cramped overdevelopment of the site. As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. Therefore, the proposal is contrary to policies H9 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999), and policy CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (adopted February 2011), and the NPPF. Furthermore, the proposed development would not reflect the form or height of existing buildings on this designated Formal Suburban Road, to the detriment of its appearance and character and contrary to the content of the South Bucks Townscape Character Study.
We understand that his has not been built to the original plans and should be an Enforcement Matter.
PL/23/2430/FA St. Andrews Church Centre, Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4LN
Change of use to 2 flats. Formation of 6 parking spaces and provision of cycle storage.
Parish Comments:- Object. Policy Com 2 applies. The application will result in the loss of a Community Youth Hall and an Eco garden which has become very popular over the past few years, and is used extensively on a daily basis.
St Andrews Centre is used commercially and is highly busy. The proposed parking area has had planning permission refused in the past due to a TPO on a tree that has a root protection area.
Herby Permits
PL/23/2853/FA West End Cottage, West End Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4NE
Single storey side extension to an existing outbuilding.
Parish Comments:- No Comment
Hereby Permits
PL/23/3905/VRC The South Buckinghamshire Golf Course, Park Road, Stoke Poges, SL2 4PJ,
Variation of condition 3 (hours of lighting) of planning permission PL/23/0004/FA (The construction of two outdoor all weather floodlit padel tennis courts) to allow extension of evening floodlight hours.
Parish Comments: - Object. Policy R8 of the Local Plan/Floodlighting.
The Planning approval for application PL/23/0004/FA states: -
3. The floodlights lights hereby permitted shall not be illuminated except between the hours of: - 8.00 and 22:00 daily within the months of November, December, January and February - 8.00 and 18:30 GMT/ BST: 19:30 daily within the month of March - 8.00 and 20:30 daily within the month of April - 8.00 and 21:15 daily within the month of May - 8.00 and 21:45 daily within the month of June - 8.00 and 21:30 daily within the month of July - 8.00 and 20:45 daily within the month of August - 8.00 and 19:45 daily within the month of September - 8.00 and 18:45 BST/ 17:45 GMT daily within the month of October The flood lights shall not operate outside these hours. Reason: In the interests of biodiversity in accordance with NPPF, Core Policy 9 of the South Bucks District Core Strategy (2011) and Local plan Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (1999)
10. The development to which this planning permission relates shall be undertaken solely in accordance with the following drawings: Drawing No.(s): 2022 CAS 047 017 received on 4 September 2023, 2022 CAS 047 010 Rev A received on 3 January 2023, 2022 CAS 047 011 received on 3 January 2023, 2022 CAS 047 013 received on 3 January 2023, 2022 CAS 047 015 received on 3 January 2023, 2022 CAS 047 016 received on 3 January 2023, and in accordance with any other conditions imposed by this planning permission.
The lighting timings have been done to accommodate bat movements and should not be changed.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 page 45 Dark Skies. This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)
Herby Permits
PL/23/3916/FA Woodside, Templewood Lane, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4AN.
Erection of wall and installation of gate at the front boundary (Retrospective).
Parish Comments: - Object, Green Belt. Policies GB10 (a), EP3, H9 (a) & (b) all apply.
This proposal, if permitted would be likely to act as a precursor of further applications for similar types of development within this part of the Greenbelt, which the Planning Authority would find increasingly difficult to resist and which, which, cumulatively, would seriously prejudice the openness of the Greenbelt and the aims and objectives of Greenbelt policy.
By way of design, in the context of the sites surroundings, the proposed replacement wall and gates would adversely affect the character and amenities of the street scene and the locality in general and would fail to respond positively to the features of the site itself and the surrounding context. The proposal would therefore fail to comply with policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) as well as CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy Development Plan Document and would be contrary to the above provisions of the Local Plan, NPPF and National Design Guide.
The proposed front boundary wall, if permitted, would result in a visually intrusive road-side feature that would appear prominent in the street scene, the predominant existing roadside features of which are mostly soft vegetative boundaries rather than formal engineered structures. This would have an urbanising impact on the locality and would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the street scene. As such it is considered that this element of the proposal is contrary to policy EP3 of the SBD local plan.
Hereby Permits
PL/24/0202/FA 15 Home Farm Way, Wexham, Buckinghamshire, SL3 6NZ
Two storey side and single storey front extensions
Parish Comments: - No Comment
Herby Permits
PL/24/0333/TP 50 Freemans Close, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4ER.
T1 pine - reduce branches by one third; T2 pine - remove lower branches, reduce remaining branches by one third (TPO/SBDC/2003/12)
Parish Comments: No Comment subject to the Tree Officer report.
Hereby Grants Consent
PL/24/0338/VRC Stoke House, Grays Park Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4HX.
Variation of condition 6 (Approved plans) of listed building consent PL/21/3485/HB (Listed building consent for conversion and change of use to 9 apartments (Use Class C3), single storey rear extension, lowering of side roof pitch to facilitate roof top balcony, 2 side rooflights, new front hand rails, glass balustrade to side veranda, changes to windows and doors, internal alterations including new openings and blocking of openings, removal of staircase and insertion of lift, cycle store, repairs to boundary wall, new gates and landscaping) to allow for the removal of approved rooflight RS01 and approved new sunpipe ST01 on the flat roof section at second floor. Replacement with two new rooflights (WD/06 and WS/07) on the western elevation.
Parish Comments: - No Comment.
Herby Permits
PL/24/0370/FA 1 Pennylets Green, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4BU.
Part single/part two storey side and rear extension, loft conversion with hip to gable roof extension, rear dormer windows and front rooflights, front porch.
Parish Comments:- Object. The proposed development, by virtue of a combination of its size, scale, massing, style and proximity to the sites flank boundaries, would appear over dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping, as well as appearing as a cramped overdevelopment of the site. As such, it would have an adverse impact on the street scene and the character and visual amenities of the area. Therefore the proposal is contrary to policies H9 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999), and policy CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (adopted February 2011), and the NPPF. Furthermore, the proposed development would not reflect the form or height of existing buildings on this designated Formal Suburban Road, to the detriment of its appearance and character and contrary to the content of the South Bucks Townscape Character Study.
If this development is permitted by the local authority it would act as a precursor for similar properties which the local authority would be unable to resist.
This is a high-density area with modest housing stock and this is contrary to our Neighbourhood Plan.
We would like to draw your attention to the Stoke Poges Design and Guidance Codes of the Neighbourhood Plan September 2023 page 63 LB01, LB03, LB04 & LB05.
This has now been completed via regulation 14. Which can be found on our website.
4. Decision-making
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to:
(a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given).
(b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and
(c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given)
Herby Refuse Permission
PL/24/0377/FA Spring Cottage, Stoke Wood, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4AU.
Demolition of existing garage and erection of replacement three-bay garage
Parish Comments:- Object based on the loss of two perfectly healthy oak trees with no report received from the forestry commission.
Hereby Permits
PL/24/0478/FA Farthing Green House, Farthing Green Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4JQ.
Two storey side extension.
Parish Comments:- No Comments
Herby Permits
PL/24/0561/VRC 99 Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4LP.
Variation of condition 18 of planning permission PL/22/3260/VRC relating to variations to the original planning permission PL/22/0466/FA (Demolition of bungalow and garage and erection of detached dwelling with new access and drive position with surface parking and boundary fences) to allow first floor rear balcony, changes to doors and windows, and stone details added to the rear of the single element.
Parish Comments:- Object Overdevelopment of site as it stands. Our previous comments still apply which were:-
Parish Comments:- Object, Policy C1 (a) & (b) and Appendix 8 (6.1) Core Policy 9 of the Core Strategy and Section 15 of the NPPF
The proposed development would result in the introduction of a dwelling within very close proximity to the common boundary shared with neighbours. When considering the proximity to the boundary, the modest scale of the amenity space and the two storey height of the proposed dwelling, it is considered that the proposal would result in an adverse impact upon the residential amenities of neighbours and in particular would appear overbearing. As such, the proposed development would result in a detrimental impact on the amenities of the neighbouring property and is contrary to policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan - Adopted March 1999 Consolidated September 2007 and February 2011, CP8 of the South Bucks Core Strategy
The scheme has largely been approved under consent PL/22/0466/FA without the front dormer windows or front rooflight. During the application the heritage officer, prior to a site visit and based on google street view images of the local area, drew the conclusion that dormers were not in keeping and requested their removal due to the impact upon the visual dominance of Uplands. It was stated that if further discussion was required on this then a further consultation would be needed to allow for the officer to visit site and give a more detailed response. We do not believe that anything has changed to allow the dormers
Herby Permits
PL/24/0608/FA 19 Home Farm Way, Wexham, Bucks, SL3 6NZ
Part two, part single storey rear and first floor side extensions.
Parish Comments:- No Comment.
Herby Permits
PL/24/0792/KA 13 Mobbs Close, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4FF
T1 Sycamore: Cut back limbs encroaching onto number 13 to suitable points leaving 2m clearance from house. (Conservation area Stoke Green)
Parish Comments:- No Objection subject to the tree officer report.
No TPO to be made, works can commence.
PL/23/4022/PRASP Three Ways Surgery, Pennlylets Green, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4AZ.
Notification under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, Schedule 2, Part 14, Class J for the installation of roof mounted solar PV panels generating 34Kwp.
Parish Comments: - No Objection.
Prior Approval Not Required.
PL/23/4170/HB Stoke Park House, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire.
Proposal: Listed building consent (retrospective) for basement conversion of changing rooms to commercial kitchen and replacement of x3 air curtains.
Parish Comments: - No comment other than we are extremely disappointed that this is a listed building and these works have already taken place without going through the proper planning process, forcing this retrospective application.
Herby Grants Listed Building Consent.
PL/23/3867/FA Anvil House, Park Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks, SL2 4PG.
Removal of existing garage and replace with new detached garage.
Parish Comments: - No Objection.
Hereby Permits
PL/24/0643/FA Serendipity, 12 Freemans Close, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL2 4ER.
Single storey front and side and first floor side extension.
Parish Comments: No Comments
Hereby Permits
PL/24/0917/TP Sefton Park, Bells Hill, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire
T1 sycamore - re pollard to previous pollard points, reduce in height by 5-6 m; T2 sycamore - reduce crown by 4-5m and remove overhang to residential property (TPO/SBDC/1987/18).
Parish Comments: No objection subject to the Tree Officers report.