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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Recreation and Environment Committee - Meeting Minutes

Monday 5th February 2024



Present: - Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bagge, Cllr Bassi, Cllr Cox, Cllr Crocker & Cllr Webster.

In Attendance: - Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)

Agenda Items

035/RE/24 Items by Members of Public Present first 15 Minutes.

The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment. 


036/RE/24 Apologies for absence.


037/RE/24 Declarations of interest

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012. If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the Member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


038/RE/24 Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the R&E Committee held on 30 October 2023 which were signed by the Chairman.

039/RE/24 Football Bells Hill

Any update and any decisions necessary.

The clerk updated that the Football Club were storing items in the referee room and also in the changing rooms.

Agreed by all that they are not exclusive to the club and should be cleared. Clerk and Cllr Carter to do an inspection and then write to the club.

040/RE/24 Nettleship Wood

Update on Frank Solari field and other paddocks, make any decisions necessary.

Nothing to update all good.

041/RE/24 Bells Hill and Plough Lane Recreation Grounds

Update and any decisions as required.

Tennis Club

NOTED The damaged fence and gate by a Parish Council Tree that fell at the Tennis Club needs repairing. Agreed by all to submit an insurance claim for the damage and then inform the club which option of repair is favourable due to the gate option being £1000 more expensive. To write also about the disposal of green waste by their maintenance team.

Bells Hill

NOTED that another two MUGA cleaning and re-painting companies has been found quotes circulated and tabled.

Cllr Crocker proposed to go with the quote from ColourCourt, this was seconded by Cllr Bagge, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

NOTED that the two new benches for Bells Hill have arrived and will be fitted in the spring weather permitting, to decide locations.

NOTED that the pond drainage works and repairs to car park will take place in the February half term, the entrance will be shut off during these works. There is a sign on the gate to advise the public that the entrance is closed. A letter has been sent to residents that surround the area of works and there will be information on Social Media and the website. 

NOTED that there are five trees along the footpath adjacent to the school and opposite the play area and house on Aldridge Place that four have been identified to be felled and one branches need removing. There is a question mark over who owns the trees, the school, or the Parish. Our contractor has looked at them with Cllr Carter and the Clerk to see if they can establish who is responsible. It looks like three belong to the Parish and two belong to the school. Quote for the works from the tree surgeon is circulated. Also, a quote from our own contractor will be tabled.

Cllr Webster proposed to agree to carry out remedial works under Health and Safety as the school have agreed that if they are identified as the owners that they re-imburse the Council and the works are urgent under health and safety, and to go with the quote from CR Grounds Maintenance, this was seconded by Cllr Cox, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

DISCUSSED & DECIDED that insurance claims should be submitted for the damaged fencing at the tennis club and the drainage and car park works.

Plough Lane

Cllr Carter updated on the grant application to Beeches for the jogging trail.

NOTED that a date has not yet been fixed to install the jogging trail and that a Planning Application needs to be submitted, to be taken to Full Council for decision.

042/RE/24 Pavilion

Update and any decisions as required.

NOTED that the clerk is still looking for Solar Panel quotes.

NOTED Path Energy is a yes quote.

NOTED Solarbility is recommended by our architects. Struggling to find a mounting kit.

AGREED by all for clerk to ask Path Energy what mounting kit they will be using.

NOTED that the Clerk has had temporary normal outside sensor lights fitted to the pavilion as a health and safety request from the uniformed groups. The Existing lights are not working and are highly sophisticated and will cost around £500 for a call out and possible repair. The original electric company no longer exists. The Clerk will contact architects to find another way forward with the existing lights.

AGREED by all that the Clerk and Cllr Carter will do a pavilion inspection and report back on any work that might need carrying out.

NOTED that the Good Neighbour Scheme are holding an afternoon tea event for their members on 21 February 2024 in the Pavilion.

043/RE/24 Allotments

Update given from Cllr Cox on allotments and meeting with Allotment Association.

NOTED that the old wildflower area volunteer group who are working on other areas in the village. They have decided not to take over the area, to decide what to do with it going forward. AGREED by all to get that area cut as part of the regular maintenance.

NOTED that several plots require strimming and a membrane put down to prevent further growth, quotes still to be obtained, bring back to Full Council when known.

044/RE/24 Bells Hill Green

Nothing to update on upkeep of Green.

045/RE/24 Carols on the Green

Update given from Cllr Carter.

NOTED Date of next event 23 November 2024

NOTED and AGREED Clerk to order 2 new thermostatically controlled Urns and a 3x3 red gazebo.

NOTED Reindeers and Marquees ordered.

NOTED New pay machine to be ordered.

NOTED Village Centre have agreed to the Centre and car park use again.

DISCUSSED & DECIDED to obtain a Christmas Tree from The Real Christmas Tree Company again this year and ask Progress Services to install and remove.

046/RE/24 Litter Picking

NOTED next litter picking dates is:


047/PC/24 Pennlyets Green Junction

Cllr Bagge proposed to agree to spend £180 on gaining a licence from County to put planters or similar on this junction, this was seconded by Cllr Crocker, RESOLVED to agree five for and one abstained.

048/RE/24 - NOTED Date of next meeting: - 6 June 2024

Meeting ended at 8.46pm