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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Recreation and Environment Committee - Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 6th July 2022



Present:-  Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bagge, Cllr Bassi, Cllr Crocker & Cllr Cox

In Attendance:- Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)        

Agenda Items

001/RE/22 Election of a Chairman

Cllr Crocker proposed Cllr Carter to be Chairman for year 22/23, this was seconded by Cllr Bagge,

RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

002/RE/22 Election of a Vice Chairman

Cllr Carter proposed Cllr Crocker to be Vice Chairman for year 22/23, this was seconded by Cllr Bagge,

RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

003/RE/22 Items by Members of Public Present first 15 Minutes.

The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment.      


004/RE/22 Apologies for absence.

APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Egleton.

005/RE/22 Declarations of interest

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012.  If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code; the Member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


006/RE/22 Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the R&E Committee held on 28 February 2022 which were signed by the Chairman.

007/RE/22 Football Bells Hill

Nothing to update all going fine, cleaning being lightly done throughout the season and a deep clean at the end.

008/RE/22 Nettleship Wood

Nothing to update on Frank Solari field and other paddocks other than the fencing around the Frank Solari field is to be carried out over the summer months.

009RE/22 Bells Hill and Plough Lane Recreation Grounds

Update and any decisions as required.

NOTED that the MUGA needs cleaning and possibly re painting. Quote attached from recommended company used by the Tennis Club.  Cllr Bassi proposed that the quote is accepted for the clean and the re-painting at £6630 to be taken from the MUGA maintenance reserve, this was seconded by Cllr Bagge, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

DISCUSSED locking and unlocking issues, Cllr Crocker proposed that the clerk asks three residents who already do some work for the council if they would be prepared to lock and unlock for an honorarium of £25 per month, this was seconded by Cllr Bagge, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

NOTED that the new zip wire seat in Plough Lane Rec. has been vandalised by a large dog. This has been reported to the Police and is an ongoing investigation. Also NOTED that since the agenda was produced vandalism had been reported to the wet pour at Plough Lane. Clerk has ordered a wet pour kit to repair the damage but the the whole area may need replacing.

NOTED Playground Inspection has taken place and reports are being checked for any maintenance issues.

NOTED Gate leading to Farthing Green Lane, update from inspection report.  The inspector forgot to check this gate and is going back out, once report is in it will be dealt with as they suggest.

NOTED that the Beeches Board have quotes for replacement equipment, however they have decided that the scheme is too big for them to support and have suggested other funding sources which they would help with.  There is a budget line of £30k to replace equipment this year, the inspection reports show that the equipment in these quotes needs replacing, the total quotes are £20k plus matting.  Clerk to get the items re-quoted and bring back for authorisation.

010/RE/22 Pavilion

NOTED that there is not much to update and there have been a few minor items of wear and tear which have been dealt with under maintenance.

011/RE/22 Allotments

Cllr Cox updated on allotments. There are some plots being unworked and overgrown, Clerk has written to plot holders.

Cllr Cox said that the allotment agreement requires some additional clauses.

  1. A probation clause should be added for new tenants who do not work the plot within the first year, and the lease will be terminated.
  2. To add that rent increases are implicated in January at the start of the new year and decided at the R & E budget setting meeting in October.
  3. To clarify the clause 4.

012/RE/22 Bells Hill Green

Update on Friends of Bells Hill working party.

NOTED that we are struggling to restart the Friends of Bells Hill Green. We do need to look at the flower borders as they are full of weeds. Do we employ someone?  They have a small amount of funding. 

AGREED  all in favour to get quotes from our contractor and one other to take on the general maintenance, so weeds, dead heading, cutting low branches etc. Bring back.

8.30pm Cllr Bagge left the meeting.

NOTED rubbish around the shops is very bad, to consider mini litter picks in that area.  AGREED all in favour to arrange some mini litter picks every six weeks and invite the uniformed groups from September to help, also to ask the Duke of Edinburgh.  Extra litter pick agreed on 18 August 2022 from 6pm – 8pm for the shops area.

013/PC/22 Carols on the Green

NOTED that paperwork/licences etc. to be obtained over summer months.

RESOLVED to agree, all in favour to have the reindeer again this year which is already booked.

014/PC/22 Litter Picking Events

NOTED next litter picking dates are

  • 13 July 2022
  • 10 September 2022.

015/RE/22 – NOTED Date of next meeting

24 October 2022

Meeting ended at 8.43pm