Recreation and Environment Committee - Meeting Minutes
Monday 24th October 2022
Present:- Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bassi, Cllr Cox & Cllr Egleton
Agenda Items
016/RE/22 Items by Members of Public Present first 15 Minutes.
The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for the public comment.
017/RE/22 Apologies for absence.
APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Bagge, Cllr Crocker and Mrs Simmonds (Clerk)
018/RE/22 Declarations of interest
Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012. If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the Member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.
019/RE/22 Minutes
RESOLVED to defer to approve the minutes of the R&E Committee held on 6 July 2022 (previously distributed) as they were not available on the evening, due to the absence of the Clerk.
020/RE/22 Football Bells Hill
Update and any decisions necessary.
No information is available due to the absence of the Clerk. Councillors interested in finding out if the club are thinking of putting a female team together, Clerk to find out.
021/RE/22 Nettleship Wood
Update on Frank Solari field and other paddocks.
No information is available due to the absence of the Clerk.
022/RE/22 Bells Hill and Plough Lane Recreation Grounds
Update and any decisions as required.
NOTED that the MUGA is scheduled to be cleaned and re-painted in Spring 2023.
NOTED the grant received from the Mobbs Memorial Trust of £5k towards new play equipment. Cllr Bassi proposed to agree to purchase all new equipment as agreed at the last meeting, total £22793.00 less £5000 grant to be taken from the new playground equipment budget, this was seconded by Cllr Egleton, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.
NOTED request from resident of Aldridge Place to have some planting done at the end of their garden (Rec side). RESOLVED to agree that this was not a good use of taxpayer’s money because of on going costs with hedge cutting, and it would also open up the possibility that other residents surrounding the recreation ground may want the same, proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Carter, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.
023/RE/22 Pavilion
Update and any decisions as required.
No information is available due to the absence of the Clerk.
024/RE/22 Allotments
Update from Cllr Cox on allotments. To make any decisions around this report.
RESOLVED to agree all in favour for additional clauses to the Allotment agreement lease, as agreed at the last meeting.
- A probation clause should be added for new tenants who do not work the plot within the first year, and the lease will be terminated.
- To add that rent increases will be implemented in January at the start of the new year and decided at the R & E budget setting meeting in October for the following year, in line with allotment regulations.
- To clarify clause 4.
RESOLVED to agree all in favour that these clauses should be added to the agreement and for Cllr Cox and the Clerk to agree and implement the wording.
025/RE/22 Bells Hill Green
Update on Friends of Bells Hill working party.
No information is available due to the absence of the Clerk.
026/RE/22 Carols on the Green
Cllr. Carter gave an update. Cllr. Bassi would like to join the working party.
Cllr Bassi proposed to purchase the Christmas Tree from Pinewood Nurseries at the price quoted for supply, installation and removal, this was seconded by Cllr Cox, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.
RESOLVED to agree that Cllr. Bassi is to send stall holder information to Cllr. Carter and Cllr. Bassi is to contact Santa for the grotto.
027/RE/22 Speed Camera
Cllr Carter proposed to resolve to agree to spend £530 to repair the Speed Camera which has developed a fault. To be vired from the MVAS maintenance budget, this was seconded by Cllr Cox, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.
028/RE/22 – Scouts
RESOLVED To agree all in favour that the scouts can use the pavilion on 12 November 2022 for a race night to raise funds to send a member to the World Scout Jamboree in 2023, same format as the one they did in March 2019.
029/PC/22 Litter Picking Events
RESOLVED to agree next litter picking dates for 2023 as circulated.
RESOLVED to agree price increases for the following for the budgets for the financial year 2023/2024 as below. Proposed by Cllr Egleton, seconded by Cllr Cox, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.
Football Teams
To consider and decide annual rent costs for 2023/24 for budgets for all teams.
Agreed to raise the rent by £200 per annum.
To consider and decide rent costs for grazing contracts and annual increase for 2023/24 for budget.
Agreed no further increase due to the cost of living.
To consider and decide annual rent costs for 2023/24 in new pavilion for budgets for all Uniformed groups.
Agreed to raise the rent cost by £200 per annum to be split between uniformed groups.
To consider and decide rent costs and annual increase for 2023 for budget.
Agreed to increase a half plot by £2 and a full plot by £4 per annum.
Tennis Club
To consider and decide rent costs and annual increase for 2023/24 for budget.
Agreed to raise the rent to £450 per annum.
RESOLVED to agree payment increases for the following for 2023/2024 as below. Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Bassi, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.
Playground Inspections/Litter Picking
To consider and decide on any annual increase for 2023/24 for budget.
Agreed to increase payments by 8.26%
Pavilion Management
To consider and decide on any annual increase for 2023/24 for budget.
Agreed to increase payments by 8.26%.
032/RE/22 – Finance Budgets 23/24
NOTED and RESOLVED to agree the budgets circulated and above additions for 23/24. (Current rate of inflation 8.26%). To be formally agreed at Finance.
033/RE/22 – 11/11
NOTED details of services for this year. 11/11 at the flagpole with the Church, tea and coffee at the Rose and Crown after. 13/11 at the Church but starting at the flagpole and walking to Church.
034/RE/22 – NOTED Date of next meeting
27 February 2023
The meeting ended at 9.13pm.