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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Recreation and Environment Committee - Meeting Minutes

Monday 27th February 2023



Present:- Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bagge, Cllr Bassi, Cllr Cox, Cllr Crocker

In Attendance:- Mrs J Simmonds (Clerk)

Absent:- Cllr Egleton

Also Present:- One Member of Public

Agenda Items

035/RE/23 Items by Members of Public Present first 15 Minutes.

The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for public comment. 

The Manager of the Stoke Poges Football Club updated the committee on how the club is going and what their plans are for the future with regards to Ladies Football and Kids Football.  He was advised to put an article in the Stoke Poges News magazine to advertise locally, and also to contact the local school.

036/RE/23 Apologies for absence


037/RE/23 Declarations of interest

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012.  If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the Member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


038/RE/23 Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the R&E Committee held on 6 July 2022 & 24 October 2022 which were signed by the Chairman.

039/RE/23 Football Bells Hill

Already updated on female football, youth football in the public session, no decisions necessary.

040/RE/23 Nettleship Wood

Nothing to update on Frank Solari field all going well with tenant. Other paddocks tenant had some issues about the welfare of their animals, Clerk spoken to tenant and has been assured that they are fine.  The Parish Council are not accountable for the welfare of animals on land that they lease. No decisions necessary.

NOTED Earthworks have attended in January 2023.

NOTED that it is three years since the tree inspection took place at Nettleship Wood along Duffield Lane and Templewood Lane.  Cllr Bagge proposed to agree to have the next inspection carried out and accept the quote from the tree surgeons for £700 to do the inspection, this was seconded by Cllr Cox, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

041/RE/23 Bells Hill and Plough Lane Recreation Grounds

Update and any decisions as required.

NOTED that the MUGA is scheduled to be cleaned and re-painted in Spring 2023.

NOTED that the resident who had taken on open/close the MUGA has agreed to do so again this year, Clerk to contact others about stepping into help when required.

NOTED new play equipment as agreed at the last meeting will be installed in the Spring.

NOTED gap in Plough Lane has been blocked off as agreed by Full Council under Health and Safety, houses nearby were written to by the Clerk as agreed.  Some negative feedback was given in public to a councillor who made it clear that the decision was made by the Full Council not just them as an individual councillor, as are all decisions made by this council.

042/RE/23 Pavilion

Nothing to update and no decisions required. AGREED that Cllr Carter and the Clerk will visit the pavilion soon and make a note of any maintenance works that might need carrying out.

043/RE/23 Allotments

Update given by Cllr Cox on allotments. Many plots have been paid for but not as yet worked, Cllr Cox will monitor into the spring/summer to ensure that works start.  AGREED to mention the allotments in the next SPN and remind people there is a list if they would like to join.

DISCUSSED the issues regarding the padlocks on the gate which keep failing. AGREED to ask our new contractor if he has any suggestions and to ask A & M fencing if they can alter the gate to make way for a more robust padlock.

044/RE/23 Bells Hill Green

Cllr Carter updated on the upkeep of Green, the working party have no more appetite to continue helping with the maintenance. AGREED that the current contractor will add other duties to his list to keep the Green planted and tidy and Cllr Carter is meeting with him tomorrow to discuss further. 

045/RE/23 Carols on the Green

AGREED that Cllr Carter and Crocker will meet and list the tasks that need to be undertaken to facilitate this event. They will report back to Full Council asking all Councillors to take on individual tasks and form a working party for 2023, rather than expecting just a few councillors to undertake the whole event.

RESOLVED  to agree to get a quote from the same supplier as last year for the Christmas Tree, but to also have a backup plan if they are unable to deliver. Bring options back.

046/RE/23 11/11

NOTED 11/11 2023 is a Saturday, AGREED that event takes place as usual and to ask the vicar if they will be available that day as usual.

047/RE/23 Litter Picking

NOTED litter picking dates for 2023

  • SATURDAY 4 MARCH 2023 – 10AM-12NOON
  • SATURDAY 13 MAY 2023 –  10AM-12NOON
  • WEDNESDAY 12 JULY 2023- 6PM-8PM

The clerk was asked to email all councillors and ask for their confirmation of attendance.

048/RE/23 Kings Coronation

AGREED to fly Coronation flags on both flagpoles and bunting to be placed all around the shops, railings, and Village Centre.  This task can take several hours to complete so the Clerk was asked to bring this to the next Parish Council meeting to ask for Councillors to help put it up and then take down after the event.

049/RE/23 NOTED Date of next meeting: –  26 June 2023

It was noted that both the Clerk and Chairman of R & E are away for this date, another date may be chosen nearer the time.

The meeting ended at 8.39pm.