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Stoke Poges Parish Council

Recreation and Environment Committee - Meeting Minutes

Monday 30th October 2023



Present: - Cllr Carter (Chair), Cllr Bassi & Cllr Webster

Absent: - Cllr Bagge

In Attendance: Mrs. J Simmonds (Clerk)

Also Present: - 2 Members of public

Agenda Items

016/RE/23     Items by Members of Public Present first 15 Minutes.

The meeting is open to the public and press and the first 15 minutes will be reserved, if required, for Public comment.  

Two members of public came to talk about items 020 and 026.  It was agreed to bring those items forward.

017/RE/23 Apologies for absence.

APOLOGIES were received from Cllr Cox & Cllr Crocker.

018/RE/23 Declarations of interest

Members to declare any personal interest in any item of business as defined in the Code of Conduct 2012.  If that interest is a prejudicial interest as defined in the Code, the Member should withdraw from the meeting for that item.


019/RE/23 Minutes

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the R&E Committee held on 10 July 2023 which were signed by the Chairman.

026/RE/23 Allotments

NOTED A report was left by Cllr Cox to say that 13 half plots and 5 whole plots were unworked, overgrown or messy.

NOTED that the old wildflower area has been strimmed down and allotment holder who started project has agreed to hand over to the volunteer group who are working on other areas in the village.  

NOTED that the volunteer group have not yet been decided if they are going to take over this area, wait to hear.

NOTED that the waiting list is sparce and there are a few empty plots.  NOTED Some may need strimming, however this is not always the best policy as it can spread the problem further into other plots.  AGREED by all that weed killing the plots is not a viable option at all, and that covering the plots with a weed suppressing is probably the best option.  AGREED to wait and see if the weeds die down during the winter months and then meet with the allotment association in January 2024 to discuss a way forward, before the next R & E meeting in February.

020/PC/23 – Horticultural Society Request

NOTED Request to site a container at the allotments.  Cllr Webster proposed to agree provided that the Society fund the whole project, this was seconded by Cllr Carter. RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

021/PC/23 – Other Container

DISCUSSED whether to charge ground rent for the fete committee container now that we are no longer using their marquees.  Cllr Bassi proposed that a charge of a full allotment plot be charged annually to both organisations that have containers to cover maintenance charges, this was seconded by Cllr Webster, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

022/RE/23 Football Bells Hill 

NOTED and RESOLVED to agree all in favour that a Legionella Check is not necessary at the pavilion, unless it was to go unused for a long period of time, then it would be a precautionary check.

023/RE/23 Nettleship Wood

NOTED and AGREED to works being carried out by lease holder of Frank Solari field.

NOTED the Tree inspection at Templewood/Duffield Lane is being carried out on 13 November 2023, this will take seven days at least to complete and they will continue through excluding the weekend to complete.

024/RE/23 Bells Hill and Plough Lane Recreation Grounds 

NOTED that a MUGA cleaning and re-painting company has not yet been found! clerk continuing to try to get quotes for next year.

NOTED that MUGA opening and closing worked well again this summer with no issues.

NOTED that the razor wire keeps coming loose and then hangs down, suggestion is to cable tie it all the way around to give extra security. Cllr Carter proposed to accept the quote from Progress Services for £200 this was seconded by Cllr Bassi, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

NOTED that the two new benches for Bells Hill are on order and will be fitted when arrived weather permitting.

Cllr Webster proposed to accept the quote for the pathway repairs at Bells Hill Recreation ground £3875.00 to be taken from the general fund, this was seconded by Cllr Bassi, RESOLVED to agree all in favour. work already agreed at Full Council. 

Cllr Bassi proposed to accept the quote for the additional two paths joining the main jogging path £975.00 to be taken from the general fund, this was seconded by Cllr Webster, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.  Spoil to be used as a bund where it floods on the path behind the MUGA.

Plough LaneNOTED three emails received from residents with positive responses to the article in the Stoke Poges News regarding the recreation ground and a jogging trail, NOTED that several residents had contacted Cllr Carter in agreement with the trail.

It was AGREED by all that a jogging trail should be put in at Plough Lane recreation ground and the cost of £37380.00 taken from the general fund.  AGREED to take to the next Full Parish Council meeting for ratification. AGREED by all that if any councillors wish to have grant funding towards this trail, then they should be minded putting in the work and make the applications.

025/RE/23 Pavilion

NOTED that the clerk is still looking for Solar Panel quotes.  Octopus said No.  Egg said No. 

NOTED that Path Energy is a yes, still waiting for further communication after sending a years’ worth of bills. Quote should be available for next Full Parish Council meeting.

AGREED Clerk should contact Heighways Associates who designed the pavilion and ask their advice.

027/RE/23 Bells Hill Green

Update on upkeep of Green, all going well with contractor. 

NOTED request from contractor to have the trees by Living Spaces trimmed as they are getting very big, they can quote for this whilst they are at the size they are if required.  AGREED to get quote to cut back the trees and another quote for the bigger trees to be pollarded, bring back to full council.

028/RE/23 Carols on the Green

Cllr Carter gave a full update. Updates have been received by Cllr. Crocker and Cllr. Webster but not other Councillors. Cllr. Carter will chase.

Cllr Bassi updated that Santa was booked, helpers in the grotto arranged, mulled wine being donated by the Rose & Crown, presents being donated by Superspeed. Cllr. Bassi is not able to be at the event and has requested that Cllr. Moore takes this on. 

029/RE/23 Litter Picking

NOTED & AGREED new litter picking dates for 2024.


SATURDAY 11 MAY 2024 - 10AM-12NOON



030/RE/23 – To agree price increases for the following for the budgets for the financial year 2024/2025.

Football Teams

To consider and decide annual rent costs for 2024/25 for budgets for all teams. 

Cllr Webster proposed a 4% increase this was seconded by Cllr Bassi, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.


To consider and decide rent costs for grazing contracts and annual increase for 2024/25 for budgets.

Cllr Carter proposed a 2% increase this was seconded by Cllr Webster, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.


To consider and decide annual rent costs for 2024/25 in new pavilion for budgets for all of the uniformed groups.

Cllr Webster proposed no increase, this was seconded by Cllr Bassi, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.


To consider and decide rent costs and annual increase for 2024 for budget.

Cllr Carter proposed an increase of £1 to each full and half plot, this was seconded by Cllr Webster, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

Tennis Club

To consider and decide rent costs and annual increase for 2024/25 for budget.

Cllr Carter proposed a £100 increase per annum, this was seconded by Cllr Webster, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

031/RE/23 – To agree any payment increases for the following for 2024/25

Playground Inspections/Litter Picking

To consider and decide on any annual increase for 2024/25 for budget.

Cllr Webster proposed a 10% increase, this was seconded by Cllr Carter, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

Pavilion Management

To consider and decide on any annual increase for 2024/25 for budget.

Cllr Carter proposed a 10% increase, this was seconded by Cllr Webster, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

MUGA Opening/Closing

To consider and decide on any annual increase for 2024/25 for budget.

Cllr Carter proposed a 10% increase, this was seconded by Cllr Webster, RESOLVED to agree all in favour.

032/RE/22 - Finance Budgets 24/25

NOTED and AGREED budgets and any additions for 24/25. (Current rate of inflation 6.8%).

Changes and additions proposed by Cllr Webster, this was seconded by Cllr Bassi, RESOLVED to agree all in favour to take to Finance for ratification then Full Council. 

033/RE/23 – 11/11

NOTED details of services for this year.  11/11 at the flagpole with the Church, sound system organised, tea and coffee at the Rose and Crown after.  

NOTED 12/11 at the Church but starting at the flagpole and walking to Church.  

034/RE/23 – NOTED Date of next meeting: - 5 February 2024

The meeting ended at 10.00pm.